net includes Microwave. The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. //- End of JavaScript code ------------------------->. Operated by cruisers Patricia and David from SV Chameleon from their home base in Whangaparaoa, just north of Auckland. . NSN had a very nice sound in CW, "dah di, di di di, dah di." For more information go to The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. Operating At Sea The System's credo is: "We believe in the dignity of man". Sun Gulf Coast Sideband Net: 3.925: Daily: 7:30 PM: LSB: Gulf Coast Hurricane Net: 3.935: Daily: 8:00 PM: LSB: Southwest Traffic Net: 3.935: Daily: 9:30 PM: LSB: Southern Territory SATERN Net . var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; Amateur radio can be operated nearly worldwide, however, certain restrictions may exist and advanced . Nemo's HF Frequencies 3.919 working in remote areas with communications expertise and equipment, Midwest Country Cousins Net COUNTY HUNTERS If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at, Website URL Short Address:, Website Complete Address:, Clackamas County Amateur Radio Emergency Services- CARES Net Every Sunday Night at 7 PM on the Mt. CW Telegraph NetW6MTC NET FREQUENCY 7.235 +/- QRM . 50.140. The annual dues are $3.00 per year, and you can subscribe for 1 or 3 years, or for a lifetime membership. Cal 6m Club Sunday morning 10:00 AM PT 50.400 Toledo, Ohio Sunday Nights 18:00 AM EST 50.360 Sacramento, CA Sunday Nights w6pjj 19:00 PM PST 50.400 Media PA Sunday Nights 21:00 PM EST 50.550 Wadsworth, Ohio Sunday morning 10:00 AM ET 50.550 Northwest AM Net Sundays and Wednesdays 18:00 PM . New Zealand with radiotelegraph capability are welcome to check into the New Zealand Net on 3535kHz Mon-Fri at 2100 hours NZ time. Aurora, Oregon. Days: Daily K6HQI who anchored this net for 20 years. The Sunday CCA net is dedicated to buy, sell, swap, technical questions, in for the numbers, and rag chew. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Oregon 10/12/2021. Thur in their area. Most of us are vertical and some are horz. During these nets people can check in, listen to a training topic, participate in a roundtable discussion, contact others, or share important information. { Radio Sailing -- Includes Maritime Mobile Ham Forum, Maritime Mobile Service Network Fri Continental Traders TitusvilleARC Mosquito Net Assistant Manager W9EC Ray Lischka 7284 kHz Every Day 9:30 PT. Post Falls, ID. PM EST Today, with inexpensive communication capability available to anyone, routine message handling has dwindled and is largely used for training purposes.
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