hoi4 what to do when capitulate

You should be strong enough to capitulate Sweden through manpower alone, once the war ends take Lapland for yourself. Joseph Stalin is the current country leader. Try to poke holes in the US line as they will have a tough time manning a long border and encircle their troops. Quickly rush to Korea and push them off the continent. At least 10 Carriers. As the U.S.A., start a new civil war as the South. For the German civil war, dont push with your landsturmregiments. This army should be next to Danzig. Wait for Germany to start the war against the Soviet Union and finish the Smash the Bureaucrats focus which gives a puppet war goal against the Soviets. Deploy it in Athens after the war starts and take all victory points to quickly end the civil war. All you have to do is click on the hand-shaking icon to bring up your diplomacy screen. Achieve air superiority over and nuke the rebels. To shorten the border with the Axis you can puppet Moldova. After that take the focuses "Enemies on All Fronts" and "Pre-Empt Western Intervention." Get as much war participation as possible and puppet both in the peace conference. After civil war breaks out, stop lend lease so you can take them back. The US must control the state you drop the nuke in. Build some forts from east of Fiume through Zagreb as a defensive line. If you want to keep playing, you an try to grab as much of the east as possible as well as there is a follow-on decision to core the far east. Use your motorized to secure Paris and Orleans, as this, in addition to taking Dieppe and Le Havre, is enough to capitulate France. Not unworkable, just kind of unsatisfying. Yes. One route is to turn fascist. Don't pick a focus yet. Otherwise, you might get overrun on the Arabian Peninsula. Your manpower is too small without this. A third way is to turn off La Resistance. Complete "The Path of Marxism Leninism", "Addressing Internal Affairs", "Expand the Agitprop", "The Komsomol" and then either "Positive Heroism" or "Collectivist Propaganda" to unlock the Agitprop decisions and expand to three slots. After defeating the Allies, you should have a large enough army and economy to take on China and Japan yourself. As of 1.11.4, if you are having war with other countries as Stalin before starting civil war, it will be Stalin to keep fighting with those countries. But if the british fails considerably to invade me, I want to make white peace. Do not spend PP on Yugoslavia. If world tension rises take the defensive focuses until Germany declares war on Poland, join the war and rush down the war focuses. Ask Germany for docking rights, and move your entire fleet to their port nearest to the UK. After the Soviet capitulation, you and the Soviet collaboration government should have enough manpower and production to defeat the Axis. Requires the Restore the Bolvar Union decision. You can also play as Romania and go down the "Balkan Dominance" path. and our Capitulate them, and take them in the peace deal. As British Raj build military factories, invest tech in newest infantry weapons, mass produce it and lend-lease them to the UK for autonomy points (technology above UK level will net more points). Alternatively, one can simply puppet Italy as non-aligned Germany - generate 25 world tension (justifying on Romania and capitulating France through naval invasions is an easy way to do this; alternatively, one can rush Poland to make the German Civil War easier), and take Oppose Hitler (the tension from Oppose Hitler, as well as Restore the Kaiserreich and Return of the Kaiser, will get it past 40); form a faction with Austria, and then when the event for annexing them fires, accept so you can get a border with Italy. You need 50% more factories and fielded manpower than the UK, which shouldn't be a problem after a few years of buildup. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Begin to develop the east indies, focus on planes (specifically bombers) and submarines to destroy factories and shipping to damage the German economy so the USSR doesn't lose. Grind during the Sino-Japanese war as much as possible. Try to stay out of wars as long as you can. Do to this rush down the Army tree in order to begin your war on pacifism as early as possible. So I did. An easy strategy is to go down the God Save the King path, and after defeating the United States, go after France (as you went off the rails, Czechoslovakia will always refuse to give up Sudetenland; if you do Pre-Empt the Ideological Threat and Expose the Belly of the Bear while fighting the US, you'll be able to justify, and since the US is a major, you can quickly justify on France and another country - Luxembourg is a good choice; don't justify on Mexico, Japan, the USSR, or Germany, since you can get war goals on those countries through events or focuses). The way In which hoi4 determines majors is strange, all the countries that start as majors are permanently majors, unless they don't exist. If one has La Resistance, they can easily achieve this as France, by doing revive the National Bloc and Utilize the Leagues, then rushing Freedom Front you can easily switch to Fascism, after that justify on Iraq and Iran so that you go to war with both at the same time, after annexing them you just have to wait for Germany to attack Poland and Romania to do Appoint Pro Axis Government so that Turkey doesn't have any guarantees and you can simply justify on them annex them and release and play as Kurdistan. Even after the official surrender. Then, liberate the African countries under the control of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Vichy France. However, you might as well get as many as you can, Austria (for the achievement), Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Iraq are good targets so might as well do it. Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet (HOI4v 1 . Communist China may pursue a civil war with you while you are still fighting the Japanese, and you may not be able to use the anti-communism focus against them once you are in a faction together. The war keeps going until all major powers in a faction capitulate. Owns the core states of Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania as core states. Now focus on taking out Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. West Germany or East Germany will not count, even if you puppet both. The US will automatically join, now all that is left is to drop a nuke. 66. r/hoi4. hoi4 what to do when capitulate. Slowly expand out if you have favorable matchups. Square brackets as in fow [Province ID] signify an optional argument. Alternatively, playing as the German Reich, you can defeat France and Britain and during the peace conference satellite all releasable nations from both of their territories. Privacy Policy. After war starts and you are sure you can hold Germans, start lend-leasing to Soviets, to increase autonomy. Otherwise, move 48 divisions to the Iranian border and the rest to the border with the Axis. 2019, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Achievements&oldid=60560, Play AboutPressCopyrightContact. As Greece, capture Istanbul and rename it to Constantinople. As the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate States. When the war with the Soviets is over, either puppet or annex them. If you don't have BoTB the best method to do this is to go fascist / communist and fight a actual civil war because the AI won't capitulate even if you have taken the whole mainland since Crete counts as enough victory points to keep them alive. Once you are able to declare war launch naval invasions in the south on and around ports, supporting contested landing with encirclements to quickly gain sea access. A civil war is gonna be more difficult late game tho since the other side might call in a major power due to WT. No one should declare war on you, so you can sit it out for as long as you want to build up a large army. (Don't bother with moving the Royal Navy to the US; it is a quick affair to capture all ports on both coasts in the lower 48 states and then the US Navy is not much of a threat.) When you feel that the Soviets have lost enough equipment and troops, counterattack. The focus "Reintegrate the Railroads" has a hidden effect that increases the chance of a peaceful annexation. Since Spain and Portugal will be at peace for at least the beginning of the liberation, it may be challenging to increase resistance to the 90% point of rebellion. As Switzerland annex 5 states that are not contiguous with each other or Switzerland. Tannu Tuva can easily reach this achievement due to their abysmally low core population of just 85k. Once Germany has declared war on Poland and Poland has joined the Allies declare your wars on France and the UK and soon after Germany will invite you in to the Axis. Alternatively, you can also do this without joining any faction. Once you declare war on Germany and Italy is called in, the achievement you should trigger after no more than 7 in-game days. As the United Kingdom, accomplish the federation of the entire British Empire. Pupetting your targets is not difficult, as Germany prefers to take land for itself. Start down the fascist tree and don't take any of the democracy decisions to ensure you get a civil war as soon as possible. After this you should get some civilian factories through your tree and once you have around 15-25, trade all of you factories away to the Soviet Union for whatever resource. In the meantime you can annex or puppet Greece and Romania with naval invasions with "Reclaim the Makedonyal Sanjak" claim. ), Spain has started more than 4 coups This puts you in the German faction, so you can safely keep Danzig if the German ask for it. You can wait with the "Agrarian Reform" until the last few days of the timer, this focus adds 70 days to the timer when it is selected. Use long range carrier to reach German coast, then merge rest of fleet to ignore range modifier. Good options are Djibouti, the Republic of Madagascar, Gabon, and Senegal. In the peace deal, make sure you take the states with coastlines on the Pacific to extend the range of your navies. Move your army to Canada, making sure to spread the divisions out and declare martial law to prevent it from seceding. As Czechoslovakia, occupy Munich while at war with Germany. number of support equipment in armies > 220. #Hoi4 Germany #speedrun guide with commentary to beat Hearts of Iron 4 in december of 1936. Take the "Balkan Federation of Socialist Republics" focus to influence Greece and Romania, Ignore Albania and Turkey. So you should have no problem pushing up from the Austrian territories (besides hitting the Czechoslovak forts at some point). Can be combined with "Our Words Are Backed With Nuclear Weapons" (declaring independence after dropping the nuke) - requires. Once Denmark has capitulated either annex or puppet them and then plan a naval invasion for Norway, to make it a bit faster/easier also put 1 or 2 divisions on Narvik. Once the Soviet Union falls and the peace conference triggers, just take Onega and Olonets (or any other region neighbouring Finland), you can then satellite the constituents nations but DO NOT puppet the USSR itself. If they don't do so - start the game all over again. As Yugoslavia, occupy all your neighbouring countries (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Italy and Greece). However, there is a small chance that Sweden gets guaranteed after you capitulate Norway. Rush Communist -- you need 40% support to Abolish the Monarchy. Countries in HOI4 are either major countries or minor countries. controls all cores of Poland and France, excluding cores that are islands or outside of Europe When Fascism reaches below 20%, take Ban Fascism to be able to take the Neutrality Act for factories. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However, it must have a naval port. hoi4 Germany guide will show you how to take all of Europe by 1939 and even get the true blitzkrieg achievement in hearts of iron iv this will be the ultimat. Afterwards, go down the Kaiserreich branch (make sure your army is bigger than that of the Netherlands so they don't block Wilhelm's return), and after completing Our Place in the Sun and Assassinate Mussolini, the respective achievements will fire off. 350K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Once Non-aligned popularity is over 50% (you can make it faster by banning Democratic and Communist as well as Press Censorship and Anti-fascist Raids), take the Power to The King focus then immediately take the 3 focuses after it starting with Seek Papal Support. This focus path essentially turns you into Poland, giving you a. For more information, please see our When communist Romania wins their civil war, justify and attack them, they will not be guaranteed by anyone, as they are communist and just fought a civil war. Then justify and declare war on Germany, and Puppet them in the Peace Conference. Simply go to war with the colonial powers and occupy enough territories in Africa to create 13 collaboration governments, which will count for the achievement once you complete the Towards African Unity focus. "Mainland" France includes Corsica. As soon as you are faced with the choice between "Affirm Loyalty to Moscow" and "Bastion of the True Communism" focus choose the 2nd one. The column denotes achievements which can't be completed without the use of DLC mechanics (currently 79 out of 171). Then, upgrade the Agency three times with anything you like, and after that the option to Become Spymaster (for the Allies) will be available next to the name and icon of your agency at the top of the window. Wait for Comintern members flood their divisions to your frontline to halt Germany, and then concentrate your divisions to push to Munich. Start to push in northern Italy, and and should be able to get naval supremacy in Central Med and invade Sicily from Greece. In addition to these be sure to hold all of North Africa, Gibraltar, and Malta. As Greece or Bulgaria, own both sides of the Bosporus. Furthermore, you already have Instanbul (since Turkey is required to form the Roman Empire). You can now continue down to Ostland to get the achievement as Germany will accept your request to join the Axis since you're not at war anymore. Once the civil wars are over, immediately take "the unification of the balkans" focus, from test runs this can consistently be done Jan-March 1939, annexing Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania. Near the end of 1937 (November/December) do the focus clamp down on Danzig and then continue down the monarchy path you've chosen. Capitulate Albania and take all their land, It is viable to begin justifying the moment Franco takes power, win the civil war, and then go one of 2 routes. After subjugating warlords, a series of Integrates the Warlords decisions will be opened; just make decisions for Yunnan and Guangxi. Can be easily done as the United Kingdom since already own all the territory needed, except Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen. The "DI" column is for difficulty as assessed by wiki editors. As United Kingdom, go down the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of the national focus tree to release all your subjects. After you are secure the fastest way to gain autonomy points is to mass produce infantry weapons and convoys, then to Lend Lease them to the UK (it will give you more points if you have better tech than them so rush those next level weapons). You must have the Quit India Movement national spirit. Keep those puppets out of the war and build forts along the border with Romania, which is relatively small and has a river. Launch the naval invasions and Rush the French victory points, and push through the United States - as France will still have Disjointed Government, they'll capitulate after taking Paris and a few others. Hi, let me introduce myself! Set your operatives on "Establish Spy Network" mission in Casablanca and the achievement will trigger once the network strength is over 50%. At peace conference take at least one Soviet and Polish core territory. Hi, let me introduce myself! After each individual coup launches, you can join the civil wars on the communist side and invite Yugoslavia to the wars. Vichy France is guaranteed by Germany. Two medium or heavy tank divisions with 10 to 15 tank battalions and 5 to 10 motorized battalions (such that you have 20 battalions total in your tank divisions) can already be enough to make a significant difference. You have to complete the focus: 'The One True Heir of Solomon' and form the Empire of Solomon. Hejaz (679) is not required. Just be aware that you cannot unlock this achievement if you do the "National Steel Car.". Once you have Riga, Warsaw and Kanaus, all you need is Berlin. Let them bleed themselves on the border. To be Ottoman Empire you need to go far left of focus tree and choose Adnan Menderes after "Hold Our First Multi-Party Election". So focus first on the 3rd research slot and your industry, until you have to go down that side of the economic path. Sign NAP with Italy so they don't declare for their Yugoslavian claims. Try to take the UK before Germany or Italy tries a naval invasion. As of patch 1.11.13, this achievement is rather trivial: you can start as Germany in 1939, conquer Poland and France at your leisure, and drop some Paratroopers under Kurt Student in Dover (use Force Attack and Glider Planes if necessary) to take over the UK and end the war without bothering with naval invasions. The only one to watch for is Romania: if the Turkish Straits are closed, Germany will have no land or sea route to Romania and might puppet instead. You can join the axis faction after the conclusion of the war. Alternatively help Germany kill the Allies by naval invading the UK after the fall of France then kill Germany. As a democratic nation, build a lot of planes, namely strategic bombers and fighters, and rush nuclear technology. Achievements can only be gained in single-player Ironman games, with the 1936 start, on regular, veteran or elite difficulty. For construction: Que level 5 (or higher) forts and on the bottom military factories. Is a Collaboration Government 96. As the Soviet Union, activate 30 propaganda campaigns before 1945. If you went with Friedrich, you'll also need at least 12 divisions to guard the baltic ports against naval invasions. So you might need a bit of luck for this strategy to succeed. You should be producing medium tanks at this point but I've found much greater success using light for anything before 1940. Posted on 26 Feb in avondale redbud problems. Watch the battle bubbles and manually move troops if you are close to losing. B), Choose Fascist Demagogue as your first Political Power spending and turn Fascist (skip Civil War option), Join Axis and help them in wars (Germany has to survive until they research Tiger tank - at least late 1943), Get the Fascist focuses ,declare independence of South Africa, Justify and Declare War on Liberia and puppet them in a peace deal (can also be done by releasing Namibia and justifying on them. Build guns and artillery. As Brazil, capture Rome with paratroopers. Annex for their resources and their navy. As Yugoslavia or Bulgaria, be at war while both countries are ruled by a child. Go down the communist focus tree, make your own faction and do communist uprisings first in Albania and Bulgaria, then Romania. This achievement works well with Habsburgs. In my last game that micro nation in pacific became major after I have invaded every fucking country inculuding usa and canada. Let them wear themselves out attacking you for a while. With historical AI, you won't be attacked before you can take the focus. As Haile Selassie, declare yourself King of Kings and control Kenya and Tanzania. I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. Leave the first 4 in first slot, next 8 advanced, and again 4. Annex France by lend-leasing them everything, and right before the UK capitulates, justify on the Soviet Union, and take Oppose Hitler while still justifying on the Soviets. Create 2 army templates: One 16-width with Engineers and One 16-width with Engineers & Anti-air. Another option is to use the national focuses and join either Allies or Comintern before Germany justifies on you (Normally 1940). Get Fascist, justify on Hungary, leave Allies/join Axis, wait for Anschluss, paradrop from German Austria to the three Hungarian cities. Train them up and gather your xp. To make the war easier to re-annex them, finish off the allies and Comintern so the US does not join their faction but it is not necessary. Can be done as any ideology, but going down the King's Party path and fomenting imperialist revolutions in your dominions will allow you to create integrated puppets, eliminating the need to reduce autonomy. Turn off Together for Victory and Man the Guns - this will allow you to leave Allies instantly. As Hungary you start without a coast. Build up your army to about 15 infantry to naval invade southern Sweden (produce cheap submarines to ensure naval supremacy) and create some cavalry divisions for defending naval invasions and the Swedish border, which can also be built up with forts. The Soviet have their hands full with the German and are reluctant to attack accross bad supply areas (as of patch 1.11), so keep pushing on Moscow through any gap you find and let the German clean up behind you. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Organize your troops on the frontiers with France and Poland, but create one army with all your light tanks. Recommend speed 5, you don't need technologies or focuses. Follow the Focus tree for free civilian factories. There's no need to do a naval invasion - you'd probably get curb stopped by the royal navy anyway. Is there a console command that will capitulate a country and force a peace conference? Declare on Greece after the justification on Austria. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Set up some collaborations. However, priority is given to the, In case of annexation of Russian territories by the Germans, attack the, Quickly justify a war goal on the southeast state of. Then 'simply' hold the line. Wait, there is a chance that UK and liberated coutry will sign white peace. No need to take The Romanian Question or the Polish Division, as Romania guarantees your independence, and they will join the Comintern once you both are on the same side of the war. The order in which you let those African Nations revolt is up to you. Date is > 1945.1.1. Build up Sudetenland to level 7 forts via focus, prepare for war against the Axis and refuse Germany's demand for it. You are using an out of date browser. Remember: Press the button below the army to ask for expeditionary units. Accept Italy's offer for peace. Build an army to at least 500k manpower and take the "Align Hungary" and "Split Czechoslovakia" focuses. When you have defeated China, demand the subjugation of the warlords and declare war on the ones who don't agree. Eventually, you should reach Construction V. The required global flag: kill_me_alive_flag is set when a player's operative dies if the player has completed the Suicide Pills agency upgrade. Annex Curacao, satellite Dutch East Indies and the puppet remainder of Netherlands. While this is happening, you can get guarantees from France and Britain through the decision menu. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. Choose to purge the Kodoha faction and justify on the UK (or British Malaya) as soon as possible. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. You may want to build some extra dockyards. Use the landsturm to hold the line. Build warships and planes, use naval bombers to sink the British fleet once you have gained air superiority. The Justification should be done around October, declare war and then do the focus: "Oppose Hitler". For more help using the console and cheat commands, see our basics guide. After the civil war started, they will help you defeat Stalin, returning every piece of Russian land they occupied because you are having a civil war. Develop, build and deploy a nuclear bomb (remember about getting some strategic bombers and fighters for air superiority). Make sure that you took as many coastal provinces as you can. The Allies can then only attack you on a couple of mountainous tiles (unless you decide for some strange reason to call in those puppets to fight with you), which are easy to defend with the 30ish (irregular) divisions you should have at that point. Assuming you didnt train any divs, you should have some good inf and one tank. When you've reclaimed all your cores continue the political side of the focus tree and take the "Empower the Ras" side. Once the war starts you should have naval supremacy for a few hours. HoI4 focuses on a very short period of time between 1936 and 1948 and tries to emulate the world around World War II. Cave to the German, join the Axis and take your naval focuses. Extra bragging rights if you do it in 30 minutes or less! Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. Puppet or annex Romania. Hey When there are no majors in a war, you must capitulate them one by one. Major powers refer to ones with the highest number of factories, within the top 7 or 70% of the average of the top 7, updated monthly. Occupy all of mainland France while having at least 20 fully equipped Bicycle regiments. With Man the Guns enabled, conquering both Netherlands and Luxembourg allows you to core all of Benelux, which allows should bring you over the required number of factories. By now, You only need to release the British holdings in Africa. And to activate scorched earth in all provinces/states you're going to lose to the Germans. If Japan occupy them and you take them back, you might be able to snatch them in the peace deal, otherwise you will have to defeat the Allies. Following the Little Entente path will get you Czechoslovakia as your faction member. Get a Research Slot and rush Join the Republican Government. Justify and declare war on Germany too. Then simply invite the puppets into your faction. They capitulated, and so as every minor including you. They should abandon those plans just like Nazi-Germany did with the invasion of Britain. Dropped a Nuclear Bomb on a core state of the US, Control all French states in Europe Also, be aware there may be some issues caused by the central air node bug but this can be fixed by focusing your transport planes on your air field's air zone once the battle plan is initiated. at least 6 of the following is a subject of Bulgaria: After completing "The Fate of the Balkans" you get the ability to peacefully puppet any nation with a Balkan capital who is in your faction, as well as the capacity to force them into your faction if they are not already in one.

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