13827109d2d5152b3bd3c479a3d295 who is running for mayor in little rock

At 80, she is campaigning to be re-elected again because there is still work to be done and only on the job experience with the neighborhoods and city officials will get it done right according to Adcock. Hes using his new platform on debate stages to push for a surge in public housing and less punitive homelessness policies. , The Hillbilly Elegy author and Republican J.D. Chris Pappas, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent New Hampshires First Congressional District. Position 8, At-Large Representative. Reporting by Grace Ashford, Maggie Astor, Michael C. Bender, Sarah Borell, Sarah Cahalan, Emily Cochrane, Nick Corasaniti, Jill Cowan, Catie Edmondson, Reid J. Epstein, Nicholas Fandos, Lalena Fisher, Trip Gabriel, Katie Glueck, J. David Goodman, Blake Hounshell, Shawn Hubler, Annie Karni, Maya King, Stephanie Lai, Lisa Lerer, Jonathan Martin, Patricia Mazzei, Alyce McFadden, Jennifer Medina, Azi Paybarah, Mitch Smith, Tracey Tully, Jazmine Ulloa, Neil Vigdor and Jonathan Weisman; production by Andy Chen, Amanda Cordero, Alex Garces, Chris Kahley, Laura Kaltman, Andrew Rodriguez and Jessica White; editing by Wilson Andrews, Kenan Davis, William P. Davis, Kennedy Elliott, Amy Hughes, Ben Koski, Allison McCartney and Karen Workman. Ortega might seem like the safe, establishment pick for mayor. Shortly after his inauguration, Scott took over the supervision of six department heads from the city manager, but discussions about changing the city's form of government to give the mayor more power never panned out. . A NORMAL GUY: Greg Henderson is one of three candidates who have filed for Little Rock mayor. Maggie Astor Through Rock City he also provides consulting for restaurants, small businesses, and communities across Arkansas to help them grow economically. A banking executive and former highway commissioner won Tuesday's runoff for Little Rock mayor, becoming the first African-American elected to lead Arkansas' capital six decades after it was. Lightfoot made history by choosing 47-year-old Nicole Lee, the Council's first Chinese American, to replace convicted 11th Ward Ald. Little Rock was first incorporated as a town in November 1831 and redefined as a city under a new charter in November 1835. Read more about Ortegas campaign here. He also spells out specific problems and plans for improvement on his website. Nov. 8, 2022, Because of the order in which different types of ballots are counted, early returns can be misleading. Nov. 14, 2022, Three Republican House candidates who have supported QAnon underperformed compared with Trump, despite most House Republicans outperforming the former president. Gabe Vasquez, Democrat, wins U.S. House seat to represent New Mexicos Second Congressional District. Nevadas Senate race is rated a tossup by the Cook Political Report. Lazaro Gamio State officials say that counting all of the votes may take several days. Terms are sometimes 2 years and sometimes 4 years (re-apportionments . Nate Cohn With control of the U.S. House and Senate still uncertain, Republicans continue to have a strong foothold in Arkansas politics. The "Rebuild the Rock" tax would have put $530 million over 10 years into public safety, infrastructure, parks and the zoo, among other things. But a deadly year in Arkansas' capital, criticism of his management and attacks from Republicans are threatening reelection chances for Scott, a rare high-profile Democrat in this solidly red state. Were tracking the remaining uncalled House races, and the most recently called races, as states continue to count the remaining votes. Jocelyn Benson, the Democratic secretary of state who has confronted repeated harassment from far-right election deniers, won re-election to her post in Michigan. Nov. 9, 2022, Voters in three states enshrined lasting protections for abortion rights in their state Constitutions. During his campaign, Henderson has chosen to shy away from public speaking events and organized gatherings. These same counties favored Biden over Trump in 2020 by a margin of 8 percentage points a whopping 19-point swing. Nov. 9, 2022, The Senate races in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona are very tight, and vote counting is expected to drag into the week. If Martinez wine, he would draw on decades of experience in neighborhood advocacy and as a small business owner. Then, hes hoping enough residents will want to see a change from Mayor Frank Scott Jr.s administration, but wont want to vote for Steve Landers. Herod was the first ever Black, out-LGBTQ woman ever elected to the states general assembly. , In Nevadas race for governor, Joe Lombardo, a Trump-backed sheriff, beat Gov. 501 Woodlane Dr., Suite 122 South Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 682-1834 or (800) 411-6996 Fax (501) 682-1782 He also said he would hire a popular police chief within 45 days of becoming mayor, though he declined to name the individual he had in mind for the job. , Eric Sorensen, Democrat, wins U.S. House seat to represent Illinoiss 17th Congressional District. Among them: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas. Mandela Barnes, delivering a critical victory for Republicans. The polls just closed in Montana, Utah and parts of Nevada, Idaho and Oregon. Nov. 8, 2022, Rural counties in Virginias 7th district are counting votes more quickly than its most populous and left-leaning county, Prince William. In Colorado, a measure to decriminalize certain psychedelics is close but yet to be decided. During his three years as chief, Humphrey presided over departmental reforms, including outfitting patrol officers with body-worn cameras, but his leadership was criticized from within. Henderson said he will focus on the future generations of Little Rock, and . He is married with 2 children and lives in the Governors Mansion District of Downtown Little Rock. She has no campaign website, has done almost no fundraising and has bold ideas including fighting pollution by offering free public transportation. Copyright 2023, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Press Room. Mandela Barnes, and there is a close contest for governor. . Schwarz is a perennial local candidate and a longtime advocate for marijuana decriminalization. He is pitching a program that would provide downpayment assistance loans, offering deferred repayment or even forgiveness in some cases. The free event is open to the public will take place Wed. March 1st, 2023 at Safe Passage in Colorado Springs. Nov. 8, 2022, Results will begin coming in at 6 p.m. Eastern as the first polls close in Indiana and Kentucky, but the pace will really pick up with a slew of closings at 7 and 8. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford). Landers' campaign reported spending over $319,200 on television ads alone during the reporting period. Current job: Brooklyn borough president. Darrell Lamont Scott brother of Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott . . Republicans would need just two tossup seats beyond what they are favored to win. Kennedy Elliott Join us in the fight for truth by subscribing or donating to the Arkansas Times today. In the counties where most of the vote is in, Senator Ron Johnson is running ahead of Trump. , Don Bacon, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Nebraskas Second Congressional District. Nov. 8, 2022, Senator Raphael Warnock is out with an early lead in Georgia, but it could all be just a mirage. 1:25 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (The mayor's race is officially nonpartisan.). But we need your help to do even more. Director Adcock was first elected to the City Board in November 1992. and Pa., competitive state races with consequences for abortion remain too close to call. Vance, a Republican and the Hillbilly Elegy author, is very likely to win Ohios Senate race, according to our estimates. Landers said he would combat crime by recruiting officers to maintain a police presence in all neighborhoods, funding better technology and collaborating with other law enforcement agencies. Scott, a former state highway commissioner, was first elected mayor in a runoff election in 2018, a landmark for a city long known for the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock Central High. She will be one of the nations first openly lesbian governors. Caldern, who is running for mayor a second time, said shes spent most of her career as an educator, community activist, city employee and frequent critic of the term-limited Mayor Michael Hancock, steeped in the world of policing and crime. Mayor Frank Scott Jr. announced that Little Rock City Board . Georgias Senate race might culminate in a runoff election on Dec. 6 if no candidate receives 50 percent of the vote. Against his flashy competitors, he said he is just a normal guy a father of two who works in business marketing and real estate. On Oct. 25, a deputy city attorney acknowledged in court that the city had failed to fulfill public-records requests from local attorney/blogger Matthew Campbell. - Mayor Frank Scott Jr. Mike Huckabee, a Republican. Nov. 10, 2022, More than 200,000 Georgia voters cast ballots for Brian Kemp, Republican candidate for governor, but did not vote for Herschel Walker in the Senate race. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, and Joe Lombardo, the Las Vegas-area sheriff who was endorsed by Donald Trump. For the open Senate seat in Ohio, J.D. In Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican, is up for re-election against Lt. Gov. Lazaro Gamio In North Carolinas Senate race, Representative Ted Budd, a Trump-endorsed Republican, is very likely to win, according to our estimates. It was the latest forum between the four candidates running for Little Rock mayor during the lead-up to the first round of voting for the Nov. 8 election. It also would have funded an early childhood education framework, potentially building on the city's existing community school partnership. Nov. 8, 2022, Gov. Rep. Ted Budd of North Carolina, a Trump-backed conservative, beat Cheri Beasley, a Democrat, to capture retiring Senator Richard Burr's seat. Lazaro Gamio Aspiring candidates for Little Rock mayor as well as six ward positions on the city board of directors can pick up election packets from the city clerk's office beginning this week, the city . We use early returns and polling data to estimate in real time the outcome of the elections for Senate and House control. In Floridas closely watched governors race, Gov. John Duarte, Republican, wins U.S. House seat to represent Californias 13th Congressional District. (Courtesy of Sharon Hurt) Sharon Hurt was elected Council Member at At-Large for Davidson County in 2015 and won re . John Fetterman. Ballotpedia comprehensively covers the 100 largest cities in the United States by population. Daniel Breen is a Little Rock-based reporter, anchor and producer for KUAR. In a recent interview, Scott left the door open to pursuing another tax if reelected, though he said he would have to work with the city board. I would love to see arrests go down, and also coincide with violent crime going down, Henderson said. Lauren Leatherby When Scott proposed a sales-tax package last year, city board members initially did not embrace it. Follow along here Around 11:30 p.m., incomplete and unofficial vote totals from the Pulaski County Election Commission were: The first popularly elected Black mayor in Little Rock's history, Scott, 38, led the capital city during the covid-19 pandemic, which struck after he had been in office for a little over a year. Henderson has gained 1,000 followers on his Facebook page while rival Landers has three times that, and Scott holds 12,000 on his mayor page. Landers conceded in remarks to supporters on election night. Read more about his platform here. The Democrats need to win roughly twice as many of the most competitive districts as Republicans to keep control of the House. 27 Republicans 7 Democrats 1 Other Length of term: 2-4-4 year system. Tonight: follow live results and our forecast from Georgia as the final Senate seat in the 2022 midterm elections is decided. Two board members for the Little Rock School District Ali Noland of Zone 5 and Vicki Hatter of Zone 6 announced endorsements on Monday for Mayor Frank Scott Jr. ahead of the November election. Alicia Parlapiano The forum will also be streamed here or on our other KOAA digital platforms. September 1, 2021 12:57 pm. NYT Graphics Nate Cohn election denier who marched to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in the race to be Arizonas secretary of state. Arizonas Senate race is a currently tossup, according to our estimates. Were getting results from five states where voters are deciding whether to legalize marijuana. Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, a Democrat, was elected to a third term, holding off a strong challenge from a Republican newcomer. , Brandon Williams, Republican, wins U.S. House seat to represent New Yorks 22nd Congressional District. (AP) A banking executive and former highway commissioner won Tuesday's runoff for Little Rock mayor, becoming the first African-American elected to lead Arkansas'. At this organizational meeting of Council, one of its members is elected as Mayor Pro Tem by a majority vote. Nov. 8, 2022, The early vote in Arizona has been strong for Democrat Mark Kelly, but we expect a good portion of the in-person and late-counted mail vote to favor Blake Masters. Our monthly magazine is free at over 500 locations in Central Arkansas. 17, endorsed Landers in March. Lazaro Gamio Sheridan Richards is a Human Resources professional with over 15 years of experience in thegovernment, corporate and nonprofit sectors. He grew up in Springfield and lived here much of his life. Little Rock Marathon Weekend. Nov. 8, 2022, The Timess election forecast is now running. The man did so during the public comment section of the Little Rock Board of Directors meeting. The polls are now closed in Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Vermont, and in parts of Florida and New Hampshire. Long is a runner from Little Rock sister city Chanchun City, China, a city of 7.6 million in the Jilin Province. Hed want to update how officers are recruited and how theyre trained as well. Democrats will gain a seat in the new Congress, retaining the power to advance the presidents agenda and his judicial and cabinet picks. Read more 5 Apr 1, 2023. . John Fetterman defeated the celebrity TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, flipping Pennsylvanias Senate seat to the Democrats. , Where Senate Candidates Outperformed Biden and Trump. Scott's often-rocky relationship with the members of the Little Rock Board of Directors has been on display during policy discussions over the past four years. Kelsey Richardson, a claims analyst. Behrens stands out in Denvers crowded mayoral race. Maggie Astor These are only estimates, and they may not be informed by reports from election officials. Albert Sun Republicans have flipped four House seats in New York, two districts on Long Island and two in the Hudson Valley. Its giving Yesli Vega, the Republican candidate, an edge over incumbent Abigail Spanberger, though this could be temporary. But so far, voters are rejecting an effort to deny abortion rights. How much help are American volunteers in Ukraine? , Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada won a second term, beating Adam Laxalt, a Trump acolyte, and dealing a blow to Republicans. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat who was criticized over pandemic-era shutdowns. Alicia Parlapiano Nov. 8, 2022, The Georgia Senate race, which could go to a Dec. 6 runoff, could determine which party controls the chamber. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. These mirages show that vote margins early in the night can change significantly. Position 10, At-Large Representative. Virginias Seventh District is one of three races in the state that could offer an early sign of whether the Democrats can retain control of the House. Stay up-to-date with Colorado Politics by signing up for our weekly newsletter, The Spot. Nov. 8, 2022, Republicans are favored to win the open Senate races in North Carolina and Ohio, but if Democrats have a better-than-expected day, these are two places we might see evidence of it. His life repeatedly made headlines: "First Black Is Selected as Little Rock Mayor," read the New York Times on November 28, 1981. Most recently, he challenged At-large Director Joan Adcock for her seat on the city board and received 28% of the vote. Greg is the President and Publisher for Rock City Eats, a food publication focused on developing and promoting local restaurants across the state. Without the expense of billboards in communities with a likely low voter draw and a background in business consulting, Henderson said he does bulk of the campaign and web work himself. Asa Hutchinson aRepublicanis Governor. In 1995, the. (AP) Six decades after nine black students were escorted past an angry white mob into Little Rock Central High School, the city at the center of the desegregation crisis may be on the verge of electing its first African-American mayor. The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. Heres how they performed when compared with the 2020 presidential candidates. In light of the spike in homicides, Landers hammered Scott on the number of vacancies in the Police Department and the mayor's use of a city-funded security detail. NBC 5 Political Reporter Mary Ann Ahern shares the results. He was the first majority-elected mayor in thirty-eight years. His campaign outspent Scott's this year, according to campaign finance reports, helped by $400,000 the auto magnate loaned to his operation in October. The dust has settled on a series of petition challenges, and we now know the nine candidates that will appear on the Feb. 28 ballot in. Read more about the CU Denver political science professors plans for the city here. She was also the founder and executive director of the Hope Center, a nonprofit welfare-to-work organization and program. Humphrey filed a countersuit, arguing that he was the victim of a campaign by the police union and others to force him out. Not be a paid employee of any person running for any office on the county's ballot; He acknowledged that his campaign came up short and congratulated Scott. Lt. Gov. Sen. John Boozman fended off a challenge from Democrat Natalie James, securing about 65% of the vote. , Gov. Learn more about him here. He said he wants to meet people where they are, whether that be online through social media, or at an existing event where he can make a low-profile appearance. Contact Us. , Frank J. Mrvan, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Indianas First Congressional District. Ron DeSantis won re-election in Florida, cementing Republicans power in a state that was once a key battleground. It does mean all the communities coming together and supporting each other and lifting each other up, but we can reduce our expenses dramatically by partnering with them while also raising our overall profile in those areas.. In terms of raising money for his campaign, Henderson predicted that he wont need as much as his competitors maximizing every dollar of an estimated $50,000 should do the trick, he said. will be Jan. 14-16, 2015, at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. Nov. 10, 2022, Support for the abortion proposal was stronger than support for reelected Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, in 76 of the states 83 counties. (AP) Frank Scott became Little Rock's first popularly elected Black mayor four years ago on campaign promises to unite a city long divided along racial lines. Alicia Parlapiano Steve Landers, 67, a self-described dealmaker who founded Arkansas's largest chain of automobile dealerships, will campaign to become the next Mayor of Little Rock in 2022, KATV has learned.. There were 65 homicides reported last year, and the five-year average is 43. Nov. 8, 2022, Pennsylvania is home to a close Senate race between Lt. Gov. J.D. Heres where we think votes remain. The filing deadline for this election was August 19, 2022. , Abigail Spanberger, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Virginias Seventh Congressional District. On the campaign trail, he frequently referred to the number of new jobs added under his administration. Walsh is an educator running one of the long-shot campaigns to be the citys next chief executive.He says his students pushed him to run in the race and hes counting on them to be his base. Maggie Astor Sheridan is a seminary trained preacher, and a faithful member and volunteer at Saint MarkBaptist Church. . Polls just closed in 19 states and Washington, D.C. But during nearly three decades as a City Council member, shes often proved a wildcard a skeptical voice and self-described taxpayer advocate who, at times, has been a thorn in the side of three mayors. Although Scott originally pledged to name a permanent police chief before the election, Humphrey's replacement has not materialized. While votes are still being counted in some races, some familiar names were among the winners in Tuesdays midterm election in Arkansas. Brian Kemp gained more votes compared to Trump in 2020 all across Georgia, beating Stacey Abrams by a more than seven-point margin. Nov. 10, 2022, In Texas, majority-Hispanic counties also swung to the right, but to a much lesser degree than in Florida. Maggie Astor Nov. 8, 2022, Its still early, but Fetterman is running ahead of Biden in five Pennsylvania counties that have reported nearly all of their votes. According to the latest police statistics, the 7% decrease can be mostly attributed to a 10% drop in the number of aggravated assaults. Heres more about his agenda if elected the citys mayor. She is also active in Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) and has worked for Little Rock to host the national conference twice with an unprecedented third conference returning to Little Rock in 2021. , Susie Lee, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Nevadas Third Congressional District. Northwest Arkansas Office. Im very critical about what I spend money on, too.. TRANSLATE. Democrats also won the Governors office, State Senate, and appear poised to take the State Assembly, and voters affirmed abortion rights in the state. He also proposed a system where police officers regularly visit neighborhoods on non-threatening terms, rather than just to make arrests. Denver mayoral candidate Robert Treta says the key to solving the citys problems is in its building department. Scott had also been targeted by ads bankrolled by a political action committee of former Arkansas Gov. In these midterms, New York is an unexpected battleground. In The Arkansas Senate. Maggie Astor Lazaro Gamio Nov. 9, 2022, While the race for Georgias senate seat remains extremely tight, the Governors race was decided last night. Denver's sizable field of candidates running for mayor, City Council, clerk and recorder and city auditor in the April 4 municipal election is about to get smaller and the list of just who wi For combating crime, Henderson said he plans to address violence with both long-term and short-term action. To retain control of the House, Democrats must win 46 of these seats (after accounting for the races the parties are expected to win most easily). DeSantis outperformed Trump in Florida in every county that has nearly finished counting votes. The AP will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing. Greg Henderson, founder of Rock City Eats and the marketing firm Rock City Interactive, has announced he's running for Little Rock mayor in 2022. Nov. 8, 2022, In Kentucky, voters will decide whether to approve a constitutional amendment that would effectively ensure the implementation of a near-total abortion ban. Henderson ran in . . The Timess election results pages are produced by Michael Andre, Aliza Aufrichtig, Kristen Bayrakdarian, Neil Berg, Matthew Bloch, Vronique Brossier, Irineo Cabreros, Sean Catangui, Andrew Chavez, Nate Cohn, Lindsey Rogers Cook, Alastair Coote, Annie Daniel, Saurabh Datar, Avery Dews, Asmaa Elkeurti, Tiffany Fehr, Andrew Fischer, Lazaro Gamio, Martn Gonzlez Gmez, Will Houp, Jon Huang, Samuel Jacoby, Jason Kao, Josh Katz, Aaron Krolik, Jasmine C. Lee, Vivian Li, Rebecca Lieberman, Ilana Marcus, Alicia Parlapiano, Jaymin Patel, Marcus Payadue, Matt Ruby, Rachel Shorey, Charlie Smart, Umi Syam, Jaime Tanner, James Thomas, Urvashi Uberoy, Ege Uz, Isaac White and Christine Zhang. Voters in these counties overall continued to support the Democratic candidate for governor, Beto ORourke. Nov. 9, 2022, John Fetterman, the Democratic candidate for Senate, won by a smaller margin than Josh Shapiro, the Democratic candidate for governor. The real estate developer and lifelong city resident who has never served in elected office is running on her conservative credentials, business acumen and a campaign that portrays the city as overrun with crime . Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, a Democrat, won a tough re-election race against her Republican rival, Tudor Dixon. Mayors are typically responsible for managing and speaking on behalf of a town or city. "Let's make . , Mike Garcia, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Californias 27th Congressional District. 5K run. May 13, 2021. 35 = the total number of State Senators. Voters in Vermont decided in favor of including abortion protections in their state constitution. 0. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. City Location Pulaski County, AR. The Denver Post interviewed all 17 mayoral candidates to find out why they are running and what their priorities would be if they were elected to the top job. Read more Johnston last held political office in 2017 when his second term in the Colorado Senate ended. , Mike Lawler, Republican, wins U.S. House seat to represent New Yorks 17th Congressional District. Andrew Fischer rtunity for all of our slators before the anagement of the looking forward to providing us with a first-class experience. 1:19. While campaigning, Scott frequently acknowledged that homicides have increased, but noted that violent crime overall has declined compared to last year. Frank Scott Jr. thanks his family and, volunteers and staff during a speech after winning his reelection bid for Little Rock Mayor during an election night watch party at The Hall in Little Rock on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. However the state already bans abortions, and that is unlikely to change. Ward 1 City Director Virgil Miller held a large lead over challengers Kenyon Lowe and Herbert Broadway, and Ward 5 Director Lance Hines appears to have beat challenger Mazhil Rajendran for the seat representing west Little Rock. Saturday. He ran unsuccessfully for seats on the city board in 2018 and 2020. Nate Cohn Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia, a Democrat, won a runoff election to defeat Herschel Walker, a Trump-backed Republican and former football star. Maggie Astor Albert Sun . Today's Bank Building Here are the results that mattered most for abortion access. Read more Vance won Ohio handily even as almost every part of the state voted more for Democrats than they did in 2020. , Brad Raffensperger, Republican, is re-elected as Georgias secretary of state. They are passionate about environmental sustainability, all forms of active travel, mental health, social justice and making sure their . , Vicente Gonzalez, Democrat, wins re-election to the U.S. House to represent Texas 34th Congressional District.

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