stefan salvatore kill count

Lexi told Stefan that he was a Ripper, and that there are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts, and that he was the bad parts. During the graduation Stefan talks to Alaric about Damon not having much time left until the werewolf venom kills him and Damon doesn't want the cure, he wants it for Elena. Katherine had then compelled him to not be afraid of her and after she faked her death. Stefan asks him how to make a bomb. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. Stefan also not wanted to come back to life still because Damon and Lexi continue on the other side, as Damon makes it to Bonnie, its too late as Liv and Luke have stopped the spell and left. She chooses the "horribly awkward present", next to her mom's open casket, to then ask him what everything between them means. Stefan thrusts a stake in his hand and demands that Jeremy kill the vampire, who protests but stakes the vampire after Stefan threatens he will let the vampire loose. He doesn't approve that Damon refuses to give up her body but doesn't fight with him. Stefan starts to object, but Damon stops him, reminding him that they're not in a fight. They find to Jeremy and Enzo and Stefan fight with Enzo meanwhile Katherine save Jeremy, Stefan is winning the fight but Enzo attacks Katherine, Stefan help her to pull out the stake when Damon arrives, he says to Enzo that the spell worked and that they can now go to find Dr. Wes, Enzo leaves the room and when Damon is also going to leave, Stefan tells him that he shouldn't bother in coming back at all, Damon tells him that he did not intend to do and leaves. Stefan was known to be respectful, polite, courteous, and chivalrous towards women. Damon hands Stefan two envelopes saying that he's not a good brother without Elena so he's going to go desiccate right beside her. In Homecoming, Stefan participates in the plan to kill Klaus, luring him to Mystic Falls by saying that Mikael is dead (in fact he was dead as Elena daggered him so Stefan could inform Klaus of this and not have Klaus' compulsion stop him from lying.) It takes him three tries of running into the door to open it. Stefan changed his decision about taking the cure, but it changed again upon seeing an old couple in love. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) Stefan tells her that he didn't tell her the truth about Enzo because he know that they had a weird little chemistry thing, Caroline laughs telling him that he's delusional and Stefan then admits that he didn't want her to think any less of him. Then they start talking about Markos and his travelers, Stefan says that they're not just going to let her take Tyler but Maria say that Tyler is gone for good and that Julian in Tyler's body he belongs with her. Elena catches them and seems very upset. Caroline comes into their bedroom and Stefan touches he and gets burned. She knows Stefan doesn't really deserve that mark but somebody else does. While the boys talk Caroline finds a book about the symbolic figures of the dark arts and they understand from it that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle by killing twelve witches. He compels the officer and the man handcuffed who reveals he is a convicted murderer. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. Seasons later, after Stefan sacrificed his life to help save Mystic Falls from hellfire, they are reunited in peace, in death. By telling her the names, he can control himself. Stefan tells her to be careful with it as it can kill her. By that time however the Salvatore brothers have also find Katherine and Rebekah at the diner. Stefan helps Elena and later takes her home. After that Elena says that he clearly cares about her. On the dark side, Stefan can be incredibly self loathing, self-destructive, addictive, guilt ridden, martyring, unpredictable, melancholic, self-righteous, naive, secretive and judgmental. Julian startles them and tells her they must leave. In the season four finale, Stefan was heartbroken at Elena's choice, but he also admitted that he was happy for Damon. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. They're fine. Probably a couple of thousand. Being a doppelgnger, Stefan's blood is used for a spell by the Travelers in order to resurrect their leader, Markos. Feeling betrayed by this realization despite having no memories, Stefan impulsively attempted to attack Jesse and stated he saw no point in being good if he had nothing to show for it and that his brother had "stole" his girlfriend. Stefan suggests Enzo has a witch performing a cloaking spell on him and doesn't want to be found. Damon says that she was scared thinking that she Bonnie was going to kill her, Stefan says fear and Damon says its a pesky human emotions and Stefan says that's plan C make her life a living hell Damon talks about Silas and Stefan says that he still needs Bonnie and that she's no pushover and she's not going to let him manipulate her anymore, Damon said not underestimate his talents because he fooled both of them and as Stefan closes the door to the cellar Damon asks how did Silas get to him Stefan says that he lead him out to the woods claiming he saw Silas and staked him Stefan asks Damon how did Silas get to him, Damon jokes and says that he talked about his hair and he figured it had to be Stefan, Stefan replies "funny" and looks at Elena and Damon asks if he's coming Stefan says "Yeah" and leaves. Elena then invited Stefan into the house. Later, Stefan tells Caroline he made a list of how loving her changed his life. He starts provoking them with the idea that Elena's "choice" will shake them up a bit. She states that she doesn't understand why is he so concerned on whom does she feed or who she kills. First, he feeds Ray his blood, and then he swiftly breaks his neck. Stefan's cell phone number is 404-358-4345. Elena tells him how much she's enjoying her volunteer time at the hospital. He was also seen as athletic, dutiful, respectful, intelligent, scholarly, noble, chivalrous and even-tempered. Underestimating his new-found vampire strength, Stefan threw Giuseppe against the wall, causing him to accidentally be stabbed by the wooden stake in the stomach. For a brief time, Stefan was romantically involved with the Original, Rebekah Mikaelson, and shared a close friendship with her brother, Niklaus. Outside the school, Stefan and Caroline try to soothe Elena, who is still furious about Rebekah's antagonism. They go to a bar and Stefan asks for Elena's daylight ring then and then gets down on one knee and proposes to Elena Williams (an alternate identity). Stefan has shown himself to be an experienced fighter, able to subdue his enemies easily. Elena gets angry and says that he should look at himself, because his whole life revolves around her and maybe he's the one who needs to turn it all off. Damon realizes that Enzo was just trying to distract them and that he figured out a way to kill them all in one fell swoop. Later Stefan finds Elena and makes her dance with him and she tells him to let go or she'll bite him Stefan reminds her that he's the one that hates to dance and Elena says that she finally sees why, Stefan then asks Elena that she's only here to help Rebekah get the cure on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school and Elena asks him if he thinks that this is her cry for help and that she'll be happy to show him what a real cry for help sounds like, Stefan asks her does she feel anything about them she says that feels nothing Stefan says that he doesn't believe her and she says that she doesn't care, Stefan start to dance slowly with her and asks her that she doesn't remember what it used to feel like when they danced and when his hands would touch her waist as Stefan slowly puts his hands on Elena's waist, Elena says no and Stefan holds her hand asks how does she feel their fingers would touch Elena says she feels nothing and then Stefan lays her down and asks her if her heart refuses to remember, Elena asks what heart and leaves, later Stefan asks Caroline to dance with him after Elena stole her dress and asks Stefan if she can kill her, Stefan notices that she found another dress Caroline says its from Klaus and Stefan says that she has him wrapped around her finger she says that if she had Klaus wrapped around her finger then she will be with Tyler and asks him about any progress with dress thief, Stefan says its affecting him a whole lot more than its affecting her Caroline asks him what does he mean he says that every time he tells himself that he's moving on there's this part of him that just can't seem to shake her, Caroline says that normal and that they were in love and that doesn't go away because he declares that His head rolls off, revealing a satiated Stefan behind him. Later on, Elena, Damon and Elizabeth Forbes, finds the safe in the middle of nowhere. Katherine asks Stefan why he's being to her. Caroline is surprised and then Jesse arrives. It is there that Stefan confesses his regrets about Elena not feeding in order to complete her transition. She says that Elena is probably dead as she has went to meet up with a friend of hers. After Klaus reveals that Alexander had claimed that the Five possessed a special weapon that could destroy all vampires. Stefan is skeptical and leaves him. Though it is not explicitly said by either brother, in this moment it becomes clear that they each care for each other very much. Matt shows up and just when they are going to let Sarah go, Enzo comes back. Stefan, confused, wondered how that was possible if he had never drunk Katherine's blood, but Emily confessed that Katherine had compelled him for weeks to drink her blood, while Damon drank from Katherine willingly. It is there, where Stefan fatefully and inevitably meets Elena Gilbert. Caroline suddenly stands after talking about Tyler's hybrid friends being un-sired, and after talking to through with Stefan, he realizes that Elena is sired to Damon. She seems disappointed that after everything, Stefan still protects Elena and offers to take every memory of Elena away. When Lexi returns from The Other Side, she enjoys her time with Stefan and talks to him about moving on from Elena and how he will find someone else. Elena, who continues to weaken without blood, confesses that the reason she was on the bridge was because she was coming back for Stefan, and that no matter what happens, it's the best choice she has ever made. As she falls apart, Stefan is finally there when she needs him the most and she accepts it. He ask to Stefan about her but Stefan looks down at his feet. She then tries to find Jeremy and Stefan catches up with her, he is silent when Elena asks if he has been making Jeremy kill vampires. Whilst drinking and laughing, Stefan reveals his plans to join the war and seems surprised, yet joyful when Damon requests to join, and says he will speak to his C.O before leaving to get another round of drinks. and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. Klaus emerges from another room, clearly having listened, and after Rebekah argues with him some more he daggers her. Stefan accepts and drinks the number of blood bags Klaus gives him. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. Elena is grateful to Stefan for having protected her, as he always does and then says goodbye to him. then Damon hands him a paper which reads Valerie LaMarche, Stefan looks up curiously and Damon tells him she was the witch who helped break the sire bond. Stefan and Elena went to question John about the attack, but John insulted Elena's love for Stefan and offended her. They go to the tunnels, the Travelers are still gathered around, chanting. He's still refusing to give up details of his pack. In The Rager, Damon finds Stefan working on his motorcycle in front of the house and teases him about it before informing him that Connor had abducted Tyler long enough for him to extract some werewolf venom from Tyler's mouth. He adds that Silas needs to die and put them all out of their misery. All of Stefan's girlfriends on the show were turned into vampires. Stefan proposes Elena in an alternate life. In the meantime, however, Rebekah and Elena are already there and they understand that Katherine has compelled the whole town to be her friend and to keep her secret of where she has hidden the cure. It was there that he spotted a girl in the shadows and tried to attack and feed on her. They slide in the school corridor while Matt is sneaking behind them so that he could put her down when Stefan gets the dagger. She says that it was the worst day of her life, and that Damon told her it was all her fault and that she deserves it. Later on, Stefan and Klaus are standing outside talking about Esther. Stefan calls his brother and tells him this. She wants Damon to really consider, or reconsider, his decision. She decides that it's best if they burn the house down so that way they would have a proper cover story. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. He has most likely chosen this lifestyle due to his past issues with blood addiction. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems lately. Stefan was a casual, yet trendy dresser and he always looks neat, clean and well put together. Although Stefan was initially optimistic and happy that he and Damon were going to spend eternity together, Damon had shattered Stefan's optimism and hopes when Damon told Stefan he promised him a lifetime of misery. Answers will be shown at the end of the quiz! Damon reveals the time when Charlotte killed a sailor after touching Damon's drink, having told her to 'have no mercy', he tells Stefan that was his first clue she was sired. Then Damon and Jeremy arrives, Stefan tells Jeremy, head back with Matt, that they need eyes and ears in Mystic Falls, and then says to Damon and Elena to take Jeremy's car and that he will going to wait there for Caroline and Bonnie. The elder Salvatore says that Elena won't survive this-he tells Stefan to get her and go back home while he tries to find Bonnie. She says that she doesn't want the cure and asks them if they'll accept her decision and let her be who she is or not. In the same moment Elena appears behind them and says that she's not in denial, but she thinks that Jeremy has no longer his tattoo which probably means that he has fulfilled his supernatural destiny and maybe he's back to normal. Stefan retorts that he never asked her for it and he doesn't really care what she does. Caroline and Stefan have a moment on the porch before Caroline tells her mom about her weekend experiment. A detective then approached him, showed him a sketch of Nik and Rebekah and asked if he had ever seen them before. Later both Stefan and Damon help Jeremy who is being attack by students, Stefan then realizes that it was a distraction. Alaric bursts in with the ascendant and Damon compels him to forget it ever happened. He tells that he will meet with her in the car and leaves. Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. She tells him about Nadia's been compelling Matt to forget things, and Caroline shows Stefan Matt's text message, calling for help with a K, she takes the phone back and they start talking about the strange behavior of Elena, Stefan tells her that Elena kissed him, they begin to realize all actions that Elena has been doing lately and then between the two realize that Katherine has actually possessed the body of Elena. The Sheriff goes into cardiac arrest. Upon meeting each other, Stefan and Elena are instantly, undeniably drawn to each other and the two instantly connect. Then they are back at the Salvatore boarding house and Elena wakes up. It is Stefan who is telling the story and the story is from his point of view; Stefan is the main male lead of the series and the deuteragonist of the series. Stefan says that it's not that easy anymore but Damon says that right now it is and that he needs to go down the well. After that Caroline and Stefan talk in the kitchen and Caroline asks how long has Elena been like this. The next morning after their passionate affair, Stefan awoke with a bloody wound on his neck, and the previous night slowly returned to him. Stefan asks why Damon he freed him, but Damon brushes the question off. Stefan hoped this meant they could be brothers and companions together forever, but instead Damon promised Stefan that he would make Stefan's life miserable for the rest of eternity. Their first relationship during Season Seven is strained a bit until Stefan and Caroline are forced to breakup for three years. She tells them that in a tree stump, they should find a dagger. Stefan is highly sentimental and likes to keep objects and souvenirs from his past as memories. Stefan tells Matt that the only reason he saved Matt first was because Elena insisted upon it, that Elena sacrificed her own life to save Matt and instead of bemoaning what has happened, maybe Matt should try to live up to the sacrifice Elena made for him and earn the life he has because of it. While driving back to New Orleans, Stefan says he can drop him off a nearby train station and Klaus hands his phone back to him. Stefan told Elena to go and find them, leaving Stefan and Caroline alone. Damon meets Stefan who tells him to stop causing problems. He then asks her why she did it. Stefan, Damon and Klaus finally agree to save Elena and Caroline together. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Stefan arrives home looking for weapons. Damon explains Silas' plans to Liz the he plans on removing the veil to the other side so that he can take the cure and die and move on, later after Bonnie lowers the veil Stefan and Damon are still at the hospital and the power is out. Later, Stefan, Elena and Matt are preparing all to leaves Mystic Falls, Stefan says that they've just got to outrun the spell, regroup in about a thousand miles and figure out a game-plan.

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