old marlburian deaths

Piers devoted his life to keeping alive the high-regard for the distinctive blue and white pottery that bears his name and embellishes tea-tables and china collections worldwide. It's small wonder that, like many other Marlburians, I was inspired to run!Frank Gardner (LI 1974-79): He has been a lifelong inspiration to me, having taught me the lessons of long term endurance, pushing through the pain barrier on long-distance runs and keeping going when youre body is begging you to stop! Beloved husband of Ann, devoted father of Clare, Kate and Charles, adoring grandfather of Samson, and a much loved brother of Michael, Ewan and Diana. Davies moved around with his eastern thoughts and when I last saw him aged 21 he seemed to be following a fellow called Puck Subud. Click here to read the full obituary in The Independent. His membership of the MCC brought him happy days watching Test cricket at Lords. On his return to the UK he joined the Civil Service Selection Board based in London. As the two leading Japanese divisions crossed the Straits of Johore on February 8, Rowley-Conwy had to abandon his position and take up defence of Kallang airfield on the southern coast. Amongst the long distance runners, famously individualists ('lonely'! "Mid-Sized Sedan" - Stabbed to death by Dr. Charles. From the outset two of Janets finest qualities were evident. Look beyond Britain to the generality of urban problems across Europe.He became a member of the governments central housing advisory committee and joined the Milner Holland committee on housing in Greater London (1965). Pat was highly regarded by all who knew her and a true professional at all times, a very caring person and a great support to her Housemasters Martin Evans, Bob Sanderson, James Rothwell and Neil Moore. His classic victories in addition to the St Legers included the Derby twice, the 1,000 Guineas three times and the Oaks twice, while at the peak of his powers he had an enviable list of well-heeled owners using his services, including the Maktoum family. Many who went on to important roles in Eastern Europe had been through his workshops, including Hanna Suchocka, who became Poland's first female prime minister in 1992, and Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary since 2010.Alan Brooke Turner was born in 1926 and educated al Marlborough. Father was based in Baden Baden as liaison officer to the French zone but the biggest bonus was the rations (French, British and American). He delighted in their successes. Then it was back to field gunnery in 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) starting in the Lebanon and supporting 10th Indian Division who then took part in the campaign in Italy. Since the death of Alex Murdaugh's wife and son on June 7, 2021, authorities are examining a case involving the death of a 19-year-old student and exhumed the body of the family's longtime housekeeper. Pat Reeves, born November 28 1967, died January 10 2014.A full obituary is available to read right here courtesy of The Telegraph. In 1976, the couple moved back to Birmingham to become partners in the medical practice in Hall Green founded in 1910 by Guys grandfather, Cuthbert Houghton. And so he was laid to rest in the mid-Devon soil that he loved so much, at the Church in Shobrook where as a young man he had worked as assistant grave-digger. He was appointed an executive director of the newly merged Vosper Thornycroft warship-builder in 1967, worked in every part of the business - including the completion of the QE2 and repair of Oriana, and became creator of its Controls Division that had great success in the design and commissioning of machinery controls for warships for the Royal Navy and the navies of Brazil, Belgium, Spain, and Yugoslavia. Like his father, who had won a DSO and an MC, he joined the Corps of Royal Engineers, and was posted to 244 FCRE. He ripped up the rulebook in this area and devised a system written in Greek symbols, of course which revolutionised the time tabling process. So we were fortunate that one of the family homes had been in Devon, and it was to Devon that he returned when embarking on his career. As Brigadier, he commanded a TA Brigade in Wales. His parents drove him back to school and gave him some money to see him through to the end of term. Janet continued in this post until 1991 and her successor writes of her sharpness of intellect and admirable administrative skills. Henry John Furniss Potter, always known as John, has died aged 93 on 17 February 2019 at the Somme Nursing Home in Belfast.He was born in Ilkley, Yorkshire, on 4 July 1925, following his father, uncles and older brother, David, into C1.Following Marlborough, John enlisted, aged 18, in the Royal Artillery in Belfast in 1943 on a University Short Course at Queens University, Belfast. Working together for an inclusive Europe. These practice rooms and others in the Old Music School below Mount House (since demolished) were sometimes a welcome haven during bitter winter afternoons when the HOB rule (House Out of Bounds) decreed that we should be out of doors doing something healthy in shorts. Ordained Minister. James was a third generation Marlburian, a distinguished cricketer, rackets player, chorister, and a great supporter of the College and its traditions. There were trips to Switzerland to interview various suspects and offers of Mercedes. More.. P W B (Peter) Barrows (C3 1945-49) died on 26th October 2012. A good example of his love of his follow human beings and his desire to help as much and as many as he could, is illustrated by his volunteering to be a Samaritan. Brother of Robin Wise and Colin, husband of the late Emmy, father of the late Will and grandfather to Jemima and Bertie. He leaves his wife Wendy, children Caroline, Hilary, Nic, Robert, William, Michael, Tim and Algy, as well as fourteen grand children. After turning 40 Angus joined a firm called Save and Prosper, and over time was promoted to Head Office running the sales force so he ended up spending his working days in an office a thing he had vowed never to do. In 1945 he joined The Royal Signals and was commissioned at OTS Mhow, India 1946. He served the Defence Surveyors' Association for thirty years as treasurer as well as cooking, arranging flowers that he grew, working on and opening his garden under the National Gardens Scheme, designing gardening quizzes, doing embroidery, including a multitude of church kneelers, local history, supporting the University of Surrey and returning to talk at RMCS, Shrivenham. An avid fisherman, scuba diver and sailor, Shaw once landed a 280lb Queen Mackerel, one of the largest ever recorded, whilst skin diving off the waters of Hong Kong in 1979. This was difficult for John, obliged as a public servant to follow government policy.Writing many years after the event, he said: Walking down the corridor, followed by BBC television cameras, to hand in our notice of withdrawal to [the director general], was the saddest day of my diplomatic career.The son of James Gordon, a materials scientist and author of several popular engineering books, and his wife, Theodora, John was born in Fleet, Hampshire. Three months younger, I came to the College in the summer term 1948 and we became friends virtually at once. In recent years he criss-crossed the globe, for instance spending a weekend in Chile whilst on the way to New Zealand and South-East Asia.However, at the core of his life was his family. Another favourite occupation was to take the Marmite sandwiches provided for vol tea and mess around in the water meadows upstream beside the Kennett trying to work the derelict sluice gates and enjoying the unforgotten smell of mud and waterweed. Click here to view the full obituary. To secure a council loan for the co-op, the houses had to meet local authority requirements; but the efficiency of Browns planning meant that he was able to deliver four bedrooms and two bathrooms within the space and cost limits that had been prescribed for a three-bedroom, one-bathroom unit. Helen is survived by her husband Kenya, daughter Zinzi, her parents Geoffrey and Fay and brother Simon.Helen leaves behind a legacy in African Forest, which Kenya will continue to develop and grow in her memory. He was educated at Coniston then Hillside, Reigate then boarded at St Peters, Seaford from the age of eight. The target was at the extreme range of the 5.5 guns and involved using Super Charge giving them a range of 18,000 years.Meanwhile, whilst John and his Troop were in Razmak, the 1st Indian Medium Regiment had moved to Bihar and the Troop followed, having handed-over its guns to a Pakistani Medium Artillery Troop. Neither I, nor Jeremy, were interested in games and when not compelled to play in some lowly house team we preferred to explore the paradisal Wiltshire countryside on our grids (bicycles). List of Old Marlburians - Wikipedia. Whatever solution he hit upon, it didnt hold him back because, despite that start, his time with John Hicks was a happy one. His idealism started as a belief in new technology and techniques, and Riverford became a demonstration farm for chemical products. Helen and Kenya married in September 2008.Helen was a fabulous cook who often adapted recipes; she was very widely read and knowledgeable with an encyclopedic memory. In 2007, Christian Salvesen was sold to the French logistics company Norbert Dentressangle.Sir Gerald and his wife gave significant support to the arts in Scotland and were presented with the Prince of Wales Medal for Arts Philanthropy in 2012. His school was evacuated to North Devon from 1940-1944 and during that time he lived with a [], A former member of the music department, Jean died on 17th January 2022 aged 82. He served on their international committee, the general assembly of the British Council of Churches and became a lay reader in 1998. The Marlburian Club has over 10,000 members worldwide, supporting a dynamic network of OMs and building strong ties with Marlborough College today. During school holidays in the early years of the Second World War he volunteered for night fire watch in Hereford Cathedral. Richard returned to the Duke of Yorks Royal Military School, Dover, as a retired Officer teaching modern languages until retirement. He advised Richard Crossman, the new housing minister, on ways to introduce some form of fair rent policy. He was thrilled with the arrival of his grand daughter, the cherubic Jemima. In 1966, he was sent to the American Rock Island Arsenal to study project management (by then his son, Adam, was starting his own Gunner service and a fifteen year association with 94 Locating encountering many items of kit on which his father had worked).His next appointment was at RARDE, Fort Halstead, being the military presence in B Division (guns and ammunition) and C Division (guided weapons) having imaginative ideas and returning to war games. Full obituary, A teacher of outstanding ability, with all the gifts of intellect, personality and character John Dancy (Master 1961-72) Head of House and Secretary of Rugger at Kings School, Wimbledon, an Open Exhibitioner at Magdalen, Oxford and with a DPhil arising from research into Paramagnetism, Frank came to Marlborough in 1957 to continue his research and - almost immediately - head the Physics Department. In 1974 his farm, Riverford, was possibly the first in the country to open for tours, which demystified farming for visitors. Our mothers took it all in good spirit. He was later appointed Head Master of Leighton Park School, Reading (1971-81). If you rang A2 6451 IN 1940, you might have got Herman Goering. Donald was President of the (RAS) when I was at University and was the first Director of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge from whence he came to act as my external examiner for my astronomy and astrophysics Honours thesis viva and from when we became good friends. Beloved father of Nicholas, grandfather of Francesca and Benjamin, great-grandfather of Philippa and Theodore. He objected to planning a route and wasnt a natural maintenance hand. He went to Marlborough in 1932 where he found his life long love of history, the later period at Marlborough being under the tutorship of HK Wylie a legendary Marlborough history teacher. After the war he made an important contribution to experimental work on amphibious vehicles. All possible avenues of treatment were explored, but it was not to be. These skills he used to the full, whether it was founding the May Day Madrigals, accompanying young pupils or directing the Chamber Choir. After studying at Trinity College, Oxford, and theological college at Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire, he went on to work at the Pressed Steel car body factory (later part of British Leyland and Rover) in Cowley and became a union leader. He spent his last few years in Tye Green Care home, close to his children, where he was popular with staff and residents alike. When, after more than 50 years in the same house in Edinburghs Regent Terrace, they decided to downsize, he had to find a new home for his collection of more than 4000 Penguin books. Wing Commander David Insall passed away suddenly on Saturday 8th August 2015 in Wales, a few days after being diagnosed with lung cancer. Old Marlburians' 1917 dinner, Bailleul Remembered Today: CH/5624 Private William Henry IVES (RMR/B/1189). After saying his goodbyes, he exclaimed the assembled boys thank god I will never see that man again. He was the Units Physical Training and Sports Officer and he proved to be an outstanding Troop Officer on active service in Cyprus.In September 1958, he joined Infantry Training Centre Royal Marines as the Physical Training Officer and Sports Officer at a time when the facilities there were limited. Sadly, the idea has yet to gain any traction.Richard is survived by his second wife, Valerie (nee Zelle), whom he married in 1970; by their children, Sasha and Ricky; and by four children, Yvonne, Julia, Caroline and Stephen, from his first marriage, to Elaine (nee Good), which ended in divorce.As featured in The Guardian. He was educated at Marlborough and St John's, Cambridge, between which he trained and qualified as a pilot in the RAF on Vampire jets for National Service. In 1940 he enlisted in the Royal Artillery and was commissioned in 1941. Then he and Jill moved to Stockleigh Pomeroy, where Jill was the post mistress as their delightful cottage had a post office in the front room. John Tyzack (LI 1945-49) died aged 80 on 24 April 2012. Old Salopians. John Lloyd (C3 1937-42) died on 28th February 2013 aged 89. Brooke Turner worked alongside reforming politicians and intellectuals. The wedding took place on 11 November, with the ceremony being paused during the two-minute silence. He had several daredevil qualities; whereas my mother was the only person I knew who would go down the mountain in a ski lift. John Hunt (C2 1924-28). She predeceased him and he is survived by their three sons and a daughter. He rose to the rank of Captain.When he left the army, he went to New College Oxford, for which he had won a scholarship prior to his time in the army, to read philosophy, politics and economics. Full Obituary, Joe Bain, who taught at English and Drama at Stowe from 1954 to 1973 and Winchester from 1974 to 1988, died in 2011. In 1962, aged 43, he left Eton to become Vicar of Hartley Wintney, a large, lively and socially varied parish in north-east Hampshire where he stayed for an exceptional 26 years. And then it would be a walk in Bury Woods or across the fields with everyone bringing back a fallen branch for the woodpile - including the dogs. In semi-retirement the family moved to [], Ian was born in 1923 in Brasted, Kent, and grew up at Thatches, the thatched house built for his parents on nearby Brasted Chart by his maternal grandfather. Once retired he was delighted to be made Honorary Secretary of The Yarmouth, Isle of Wight RNLI lifeboat which was another of his passions as a keen Sailor. We were all very happy to live in the shadow of the next generation. He undertook many Government studies which contributed greatly to the development of the country from its feudal conditions in the early days after Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said deposed his father in November 1970 as Ruler of Oman and continued until July this year when he returned to the UK for medical treatment. Imogen Craddock (PR 1971-73) was born in Tabora, Tanzania (then Tanganyika), in 1955 where her father was a surgeon working for the British Government. The culmination of that combination being the production of that famed team of 1963. He deserved all that was so good that came his way.Geoffreys family had lived in many different parts of the country when he was a child; his fathers career in the Royal Navy and the resultant postings meant many moves, but that continued after his father left the Navy. Pat Reeves (B1 1981-86), who has died aged 46, was an adventurous entrepreneur and philanthropist who championed youth-focused charities and brought new ideas to the two, very different, industries of fast food delivery and sofa retail. Maybe he was put off by his fellow prep school boys running around throwing cricket balls saying I am Larwood. Francis Richard Bedwell (C3 1941-1945), son of Francis Christopher Bedwell (TU 1969-73), died December 2022. He took part in the BBC2 programme God and the Scientist in 1981. Balme, a master at Harrow for 33 years, with his colleague Mark Warman immediately published Aestimanda (Up for discussion), which took Greek and Latin extracts and presented them as subjects for literary debate, directly increasing the appreciation of classical literature within everyday classroom teaching. As well as being a much-loved editor, as a writer for the Telegraph Magazine, Annabel turned her hand to everything from interior design, country houses, the arts and travel pieces to cookery columns and restaurant reviews but it was the articles she wrote about her daughters illness that were the most heartfelt and moving. They married in 1970; their children, James (C1 1992) and Elizabeth, are both journalists.Its extraordinary to see how history is repeating itself, he said of the current situation in Afghanistan. Created a leading European Public Affairs consultancy with offices in Brussels, Washington DC and London Senior Consultant, Europe GJW Apr 1987 - Jun 19903 years 3 months London, United Kingdom. A solo sailor in his junk-rigged boat, Sulaire, he went where the wind took him. He was world doubles champion. I even remember him doing the shot putt when we were doing the 5 Star Awards; at the same time he was tickled pink when our burly discus thrower, deciding he would see to it that a new junior high jump record would be set, put the bar up to maximum height, and then threw a Shell boy over it!World Cup Marathon winner in San Sebastian in 1993, Richard Nerurkar, who trained with Bruce when a member of Common Room (CR 1989-91): At Marlborough Bruce created the perfect training environment for me. The original can be seen on The Guardian website. Years later, when Idi Amin seized power in Uganda, his name rang a bell with Hopkirk (I think he was in my battalion) and he made great efforts to contact him.He was inspired by Sir Fitzroy Macleans Eastern Approaches to seek a life of adventure. The son of The Reverend George Trevor, he was born at Madras in British India.He was educated in England at Marlborough College, where he played for the college cricket eleven, featuring in their first match against Rugby School in 1855. He was school chaplain, and for a few years, a housemaster. He left Marlborough as the 2nd World War started. In retirement Roger did not reduce his activities. He had to appeal the sentence and in due course went to London to RCJ for a hearing in front of the Lord Chief Justice and 2 other senior judges. After the war ended, John returned to his studies at Cambridge, gaining his MA and PhD, following which he became a lecturer in zoology at King's College London. Thanks to his ayah and other house servants he was bilingual in English and Hindustani but quickly forgot the latter after arriving in Britain in 1929. With the Second World War at its height but the prospect of the dreaming spires of Oxford ahead of him, Angus Mitchell could so easily have taken advantage of the option to defer serving his country and embark on his studies instead. After the first year or two of Summer School, Marilyn was invited to be swim coach at Marlborough college,initially travelling daily from Corsham, progressing to staying overnight and then appointed as Resident House Tutor in Morris House which was the first girls house in the College. Professor Richard Batchelor, MD, FRCP died on December 21st 2015 at the age of 84.

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