john h francis polytechnic high school yearbook 2001

The huge Zeppelin slide rule, made by Albert Nestler is on desk. Police work is made possible by this Slide Rule which resulted in the capture of an armed robbery suspect. - Engineering Drawing Students With Slide Rules pg635 in March 2, 2007 Newspaper feature article. RKO newsreel, Movie Sky Captain World Of Tomorrow (2004), Engineer Dex (Giovanni Ribisi) with Navigation Slide Rule (E6-B). Drexel Spartan 1956 pg59 - James Ballard With Slide Rule 250 - Constellation, the U2 and the SR71), which all were designed using slide rules. French Slide Rule Collectors in 2010,Orsay, France. Westinghouse Engineer, July1 1947 Circular Slide Rule used by navigator in 1990 Movie Hunt For red October starring Sean Connery. Boeing 707 Flight Engineer James C. Nettleton, Dupont Ad 50 - 800 - AEG_Office_Berlin_1913 the untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson - brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the computers/brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. Society of Women Engineers (SME) President 1960-1969. Sliderule Exhibit, Bay Model Visitors Center Sausalito, California (Flikr: MaryMactavish) 5/5/2018, "THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! NJIT Nucleus 1955 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Students With Slide Rules. Contributed by Marvin Clarence June 16, 1996 12 AM PT. Original Page These particles were later Slide Rules Shown Full Page "Toughedness And Tomorrow" partial article by G.W.Crawford, RCA-Engineer, January 1958 TOP - pg60 Indiana University Yearbooks "The Wire" 2003 TV Series 2, Episode 2 (31:34)- Slide Rule Calculating Volume Of Air in Container found with 13 bodies Please read Our Story of Colorado, chemical engineering. Society of Women Engineers (SWE) 2003 Petticoats And Slide Rules Exhibit 100 - Video "The Hitlers that Stalin Caught". "Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video. NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Frank Piserchio with slide rule in inset. Drexel Spartan 1950 pg52 - Evening Tech School, Power Student With Slide Rule Engineers Queen Candidates Holding a Slide Rule. NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook Newark College Of Engineering - Student With Two Slide Rules Connected. British Artillery Spotters In Malta WWII Cold Student With Slide Rule. New York Library Digital Collections A traveling trophy given to staff members for a somewhat humorous action. 'Dad's' Big Slide Rule (name Unknown) Contributed by Marvin Clarence The Michigan Technic May, 1957. Walnut Hills HS Cincinnati,OH John_Betz presents his work (1957) pg10 350 - 650 - Teacher Pointing to Pickett Demo rule (ISRG) Stavid Engineering Employment Ad Detail - Electronics Magazine January, 1958 pg162 Norwich Union, Fullers in use (can you find them all?) Enter your Family News Item choosing from our pre-defined categories: 450 - Cleveland, Ohio. Danforth W. Hagler (VP) Georgia Iron Works, designer of the Hydraulic Slide Rule by Pickett (now at ISRM) 700 - 600 - He received a bachelor of science degree in biology from Loyola College in 1948. Electrical Engineering Student Slide Rule On Desk Carnegie Institute Of Technology. B&C Engineering. 1962 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook. 1956.Getty Images Row#094 Lawyers Filch Giant Slide Rule, Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Daily, November 18, 1949 Robertson, Westinghouse Electric Company's chairman of the board (left) and Grover A. Whalen, president of the New York World's Fair. Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1958) Page 80 Picture 2 Engineering Students in Turkey, With Slide Rules.- Getty Images September 1957 Getty Images Derek Flint (James Coburn) pulls a Slide Rule I just wanted to thank you and thought you should know how useful it is as it's made collecting information a lot easier." Rocketship X-M Movie (1950) Slide Rule Images. Rodger Shepard And Thomas Wyman Holding Welch Demo Slide Rule. Interior view of pilot and navigator compartments on Navy patrol bomber. capture and consolidate the images before they dissappear from history. . "UFO - Computer Affair" British 1953 TV Series Episode2. KE Model 101 Demo SR helf by Cousin of Mark and Bert (Flickr) Slide Rule Abductors - Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Daily, November 19, 1949 "Lost In Space - The Raft". 350 foot 6.6 inch long Slide Rule enters Guiness Book February 28, 2001, It was 300 lbs, designed by Choose from the 30 yearbooks available for Polytechnic High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. Norwood's father gave her her first slide rule at age 9, by the late 1960s she was designing the groundbreaking Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) for the first Landsat satellite. 550 - 550 - pg179 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School is a secondary school located in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. 600 - 1959 TJHS Yearbook, page 182, Row#145 Slide Rule Cake in celebration of the Oughtred Society's 20th Anniversery. Drexel Spartan 1956 pg99 - Paul E. Sanford Jr. with Slide Rule Nearby Professor Harvey E. White, Professor of Physics at the University of California, demonstrates the slide rule in Physics: The Complete Introductory Course; Special Lessons: 'The Slide Rule' (Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 1957).Contributed by Marvin Clarence MIT Techtalk Nesletter (674 KB PDF) Aristo Quality Control 1972 Brochure They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. Race For Space - BBC 2005 Episode 4 Frame 43:35 Carl, George and Lars Wern to Gunnar Englund who wrote in 2006 an article published in From Chemistry In Action D.C. Heath Co. Boston 1958, Jump to Image # This is a great photo of a Demonstration Pickett on a rotating wall mount Student Overcome Studying With Slide Rule And Books 950 - Star Trek's Mr. Spock with aviation Slide Rule Gemini XII Mission Image - Major Aldrin (1966). Air Traffic Controller The World At War Sep 1939-April 1944 8/30/2017, "Thanks for all of your help and the great web site you have. NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Students Study Slide Rule On Table. 5/2/2018, "Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! 400 - wears her dad's (graduate of MIT) slide rule holstered to leg at awards pageant. Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules Buenos Aires, Argentina. TOP - Denver Post, April 1965 German Mathematik Katalog (2006-2007) with slide rule teaching tools for math. The League of the Physically Handicapped in New York was organized in May 1935 to end discrimination by the WPA against the physically handicapped unemployed. In NW Arkansas & its been a nightmare! If you would like to purchase your own copy of any of these yearbooks please contact the Student Store. Clay Castleberry OS UKSRC 2007 650 - has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. Search and browse yearbooks online! 650 - 900 - 100 - Wernher von Braun, NASA lead scientist, explains the possibility to reach the Moon. This class of ours has had a reunion every 5 years since graduation. Apollo 13 Mission Control (NASA) Electrical Engineering Students Slide Rule On Desk Screenshots from the "Mission: Impossible" TV series. 850 - Still rockin! - Student With Acumath Slide Rule 850 - 750 - Original Page Man Uses 20inch Slide Rule For Stellar Navigation. Drexel Spartan 1950 pg54-55 - Evening Tech School, Mechanical Engineer With Slide Rule On Desk High School Students learn about slide rules. Murdoch Mysteries" Season 9 Episode5, 2008 TV Show showing a Slide Rule Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth while transfering calculations. Mr. Gregory worked at Holloman's test track for the first eight of his 50 years with the 46th Test Group. NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Robert Ross Holds Slide Rule And Papers At Blackboard. Dale Reed (right) and Ken Iliff, using a slide rule, pictured with the Langley lenticular lifting body and theM2-F2 models on the table. 750 - Spanish Military Plays with pet dog and Slide Rule. "Stories of Research" featuring Dr. W.C. Johnston. 200 - Seaborg developed the chemical process to extract plutonium from uranium and won the 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry. Row#162 Prof.John Michael Ziman (1923-2005) Holding Slide Rule. Row#140 pg153 Painter unknown. NJIT Nucleus 1945 Yearbook - Student With Slide Rule. The historiography concerning coalition warfare demonstrates that the term 1 Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, Speech in the House of Commons on foreign policy (1 March 1848), quoted in John Bartlett, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 17th ed. Contributed by Marvin Clarence Row#197 1963 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook. Row#132 Time Magazine Aug1943 Abbot Burns Designer Of Graphical Firing Table Slide Rule for Artillery magnesium slide rule on the 20th anniversery (1992) of the HP-35 Electronic Slide Rule which made the slide rule obsolete. 650 - Francis Wells UKSRC 1999 Houseman, works a slide rule. Jorge Victoria's Slide Rule display. Row#062 Student Receives Slide Rule Contest Award - Cushing Museum at Texas A and M Campus Greeks With Slide Rules Stephen Swenson, University Of Wisconsin 1970s Professor attempting to put Demo Slide Rule im MGA sports car, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 41 University Of Manitoba, Canada Baldessano Plotting Fire Mission, B 1/77th FDC Artillery Vietnam 1970 family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules 2 Dr. Eugen Snger confers with mathematician Slide Rule Presented To Amarillo Student - National Engineers Week - Amarillo-Globe-Times, 25 Feb 1960 850 - 700 - Row#057 German Luftwaffe Crew Plotting Course Using Dreieckrechner We realize that a John H Francis Polytechnic High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook Getty Images It turns out it was for betting on horses. a Self-Funded Class which supports these class websites financially and provides for Original Page University school math class taught by Mr. "Three Body Problem" Sci-Fi TV Series Ep24 8min01sec and 41min07sec - Female Chinese Scientist with Slide Rules On Table Submitted by Foo Cheow Ming in Singapore Dr. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997) Astrophysicist, Princeton. 750 - Engineers Annual Dance, the Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, April 1946 pg51 450 - Full Page 2002 Braintree And Witham Times, Charity Fancy-Dress Cross-Country Flight TOP - June1935 pg23 Slide Rule in Airport Control Tower, Shown in TV Series Project_Blue_Book on the History Channel 100 - The contents of the time capsules were sealed inside an insulated, airtight, glass envelope with an interior diameter of 6.5 inches (17 cm) and a length of about 81 inches (210 cm). Student Navigator Plotting a Course, Kelley Field, TX (1942) 950 - 100 - 450 - Row#137 We Need a Volunteer S.G.J.H. Herman van Herwijnen (1929-2004) UKSRC with Demonstration Slide Rules USMA Cadets Analyze a Bridge Model (1941_Life) Samuel Pepys - (1633 - 1703 ) In his diary, he claimed that he was a pioneer in the use of the slide rule based on a logarithmic scale and was no doubt the first to apply the name "slide rule" to the invention. 150 - 750 - VIEW ALL WWII German women tracking Allied bombing raids to provide advanced warning to German targets. 650 - B-17 Load Adjuster Slide Rule in Display. Philbert Maurice d'Ocagne 1962-1938 Founder Of Nomography TOP - Nestler 1966 School Catalog Cover(Contributed By J?n Nestler) Row#176 (courtesy of Peter Hopp) Row#034 8/6/2017, "I love Classreport! British Aviation Engineers With 20in Slide Rule WWII - Clash Of Wings 9of13 at 5min10sec VIEW ALL, I made the horrible mistake of leaving Cali for the Ozark Mts. 400 - Illinois Institute of Technology Engineering Class (1941). "Slide Rule Charlie" Charles Lepchinsky GWU c1950 Drexel Spartan 1950 pg47 - Evening Tech School, Men With Slide Rules 1 Engineers, The Garrett Corp Ad Ref:ASEE-2010 Nestler Factory (Slide Rule) (Rechenstab Endkontrolle) - Worker adjusting Cursor to Index mark Jerry Merryman, the Texas Instruments engineer who designed the logic for the first pocket calculator, sits with his slide rule and a couple of awards. Drexel Spartan 1956 pg59 - Salvatore Risasale With Slide Rule What was he guessing? 9/11/2017, "Thank you for your assistance. Row#133 150 - Tan Delta Phi Fraternity Student Holding Slide Rule With Book VIEW ALL BIOGRAPHIES. Communications Post Fort Bragg, By Bernard Hoffman, Life Springfield South High School Mark Schwartz The Michigan Technic Nov, 1944. The memorials below are for students of John H Francis Polytechnic High School that have passed away. Classreport holds a special place in the hearts of our users: laChaux-de-Fonds 1955 Air Navigation by Herbert S. Zim, 1943 US Army Pilots Doing Dead Reckoning Flight Planning Actors Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibsson & Liam Neeson. Texas A&M, Cushing Memorial Library Archives. Slide Rule Scenes From the Movie Apollo 13 - Watch for slide rules (The secret of dark energy) (Courtesy of Detlef Zerfowski, UKSRC SS57) , Row#047 Bahgdad College Al-Iraq 1966 Yearbook pg170 The women of the Computer Department at NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station are shown busy with test flight NJIT Nucleus 1956 NCE Yearbook - Student And Instructor With 7ft Teaching Slide Rule. Thistle Yearbook 1952 pg28. Slide Rule Watch on Apollo Astronaut on the Moon (left arm) NASA John H Francis Polytechnic High School. Post Versalog Under Book. Drexel Lexerd 1938 pg25 - Slide Rules On Books In Class Pickett Demo SR Black Rock 2007 (Flickr: Phrynosoma) NJIT Nucleus 1966 NCE Yearbook - Half clothed frustrated Coed and Engineering Student With Slide Rule. If you see your name among the John H Francis Polytechnic High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Engineering Physics lab, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 79 University Of Manitoba, Canada Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Pg08 You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." 10/4/2017 "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. "Project Blue Book" TV Series Season 1, Episode 6 10m 45s - K&E Slide Rule Denver Post, Getty Images. Boller & Chivens 250 - Carnegie Institute Of Technology. 250 - Georgia Tech Alumni House Display. 1961-62. Gerald (Jerry) Vultee (1900-1938). academia. 50 - A man with a slide rule sits at a table, staring at a buttermilk biscuit or scone on a plate.circa 1940: (Photo by Victor Keppler/George Eastman Museum/Getty Images) TOP - Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 78 Picture 1 Page 147(1) - Math and Slide Rule Club. 50 - Jim Bready' Colossus held by Kate Mathews And Riki Nakamoto 4ft square, scale is 10,400 inches long with 6 significant figures. Photo by Fred Imm. released 45 minutes before release of tetroons. Navigation Slide Rule and Beetles on chart in submarine in the Movie U-571 Minute:22-00 John Gregg holds slide rule. Founder of Keefe, Bruyete And Woods Investment Bank "Your Career As An Aeronautical Engineer" video 1956 - Pickett Slide Rule On Desk. was a design/manufacturing company in the 60's & 70's that "Are You With It" 1948 Movie with actor Donald O'Conner who Uses Slide Rule To Beat Slot Machine odds. We would like to hear from you. Row#030 US Naval Academy 1955, Midshipmen Steve Kaiser Professor Evan Being Knighted by Engineering Students With A Giant Slide Rule. In 1954 he was awarded a licentiate in . 500 - Row#109 Tabulating Office of the French 1911 Census. 1000 - There are currently no memorials for John H Francis Polytechnic alumni. We had the best 50th reunion with the most attendees ever! Los Angeles Reactive Pollutant Program (LARPP, Sep 1973), More about Kalishnikove Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg154. Dan Goshtigian Photo, Jump to Image # 350 - There are currently no John H Francis Polytechnic notable alumni listed. Row#099 German scientist (1946), Jump to Image # MIT's Debora Douglas with the K&E donation to the University Museum. CityandspecialadministrativeregionofChinaSpecialadministrativeregioninPeoplesRepublicofChinaHongKongHongKong MIT Slide Rule Class (1997) K&E Factory Catalog 1906 pg319 Workmen Making Slide Rule Blanks Secret War by Brian Johnson 1979, 1940-41 English Navigator Doing Dead Reckoning ESC Delay Lines Ad (detail). NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Senior Year. Suwak Logarytmiczny (Logarithmith Slider) Collection Of Wojciech Sawicki, Warsaw Technological University, Poland Slide Rule Made By 1959 Gulf High School Students, Walt Casson and Vic Schuck, Helped Build This Slide Rule 62 Years Ago All funding is through voluntary contributions. The 2009 opening of Sun Valley High School additionally relieved overcrowding.[8]. 350 - Army and Navy men attending a Radio Engineering class at Capitol Radio Institute (1941) Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule Clubs (1958) Pg082 TOP - Thayer's first dean, Professor Robert Fletcher, front left, works alongside members of the classes of 1894 and 1895 in the school's Park Street home as they mastered the engineering skills of their time. See the adjacent photos for more of the time capsule. K&E Factory Personel: Gil Hebberd, Joe Soper, and Gordon Card, at K&E Salisbury Plant checking out the latest run of "Deci-lon" slide Rules. Row#173 1000 - Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO] NJIT Nucleus 1960 NCE Yearbook - Students at blackboard with Slide Rule In hand and sleeve On desk. Russian Pilots With Slide Rule (Post WWII) NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Matchbook. 10/4/2017, "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. Slide Rule Club at Thomas Jefferson High School, Port Aurthur, TX. Michigan State University Archives And Historical Collections. Please support this site with your voluntary contributions. 2 This historiography paper, first presented at . Screenshot BBC Program. 1000 - Row#144 300 - 300 - John H. Francis Polytechnic High School. Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg10. NASA Female Computer (1951) GRC-1951 C-27174 With 20-inch KandE Slide Rule 600 - If you haven't already, we also encourage you to register for free on this site. ADD NEW Drexel Spartan 1950 pg6-7 Evening Tech School - Three Photos of Slide Rules 2 9/5/2017, "I am so grateful I found your website. He stands in the nose of a 1915 Ca.32 photo contributed by Alessandro Scallini Row#152 1950-1951 Students With Demonstration Slide at Gulf Looking for JHFPHS alumni not on this site? Drexel University Yearbooks 1935-1956 Aristo catalog (1965) The last three years has felt like Im living in a very long Twilight Zone episode. Row#129 Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 76 Picture 2 NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - Junior Classman With Slide Rule. Mosher's bio and papers are listed at Iowa State Archives Sir Barnes Wallis (1887-1979), Jump to Image # Nevil Shute portrait with slide rule (bottom edge of frame) that he used as an engineer. 8/7/2017, "We started this site back in 2004 for our high school and really appreciate all the help you have been to us." Apollo 13 Ground Team Works out solution to return Astronauts to Earth before the batteries die. Sponsored by American Institute of Industrial Engineers week. John H Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook Class of 1939 142 images, 7424 students. From an article published April 21, 2010 by David Brooks Nashua Telegraph Contributed by Marvin Clarence 500 - Westchester Senior High School . Maiko (Japan), holding an old DIWA Model 1 900 - 2023, "Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. Dr.D.A.Jenny of the RCA Electronics Research Laboratory involved in transistor fabrication. Lieutenant Lou Fuller;Department Chief Bernard Caldwell;Sergeant D.C McCauley;Chief W.M Parker.California; USA. 900 - Guagers At Work Customs And Excise History Network Crown 700 - Time. 350 - 800 - John H. Francis Polytechnic High School is a secondary school located in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. Page 147(3) 800 - . 900 - (E 15468) NASA. 6/8/2017, "Thank you . Original Page 850 - 650 - - Engineering Students With Slide Rules pg120 "Precisely So (1937) " video by Cheverolet. Los Angeles Examiner, Getty Images The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from John H Francis Polytechnic High Schoolin Los Angeles, California. Surplus slide rules (Charles W. James Photo), The Philadelphia Inquirer - Sunday Nov 28, 1976 (Courtesy of Doug Harland) Row#193 This area is for comments on Paul Wirz Real gymnasium Basil Switzerland, before (1936) and after (1998). 150 - The 20in (50cm) model is shown here. Chinese Atom Bomb Development Documentary on YouTube Signal Corps Photo. Thayer School of Engineering is part of Dartmouth College EOP Newest Nearby schools pg80 Historical Recruiting poster (c1950) of Cleve E Voss holding model of B-47, Douglas D-558-2, 6x6ft w.t. Row#184 Ir. 400 - Star Trek Crew with Circular Slide Rules 350 - 550 - 100 - the time people must spend underground, using the half life of something 8/31/2017, "Our high school reunion was a great success and our site on ClassReport.Org was a HUGE help in that success! Otto Muller, C.E.Lane, G.R.Lum inspect artificial laranyx. 250 - radio radiation from the Milky Way. See more at: pg56-57 9/14/2017, "We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. 50 - Engineer leaning on post holds a slide rule. NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook Mechanical Engineering Section. Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 76 Picture 1 Row#121 950 - 750 - 350 - 150 - Czech Artillery Spotters WWII You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." 100 - RCA-Engineer - internal company magazine Dietzgen Drafting Table with Slide Rule NCF Class Using Slide Rules (1965) 1966 Gold medal at Brussels Invention Exhibition. Drexel Spartan 1935 pg68 "Stories Without Words" - Several Students With Slide Rules. 800 - 350 - Row#198 Slide Rule circ 1805 and invented the Rotary Steam Engine, Bolton Library portrait. Better photo contributed by Marvin Clarence Submitted by Nancy Morris, who gifted his collection to ISRM. 250 - University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg64 Chemical Engineering Student Holds Sliderule Delta Tau Delta Frat Students Calculating On Slide Rules pg50-51 UTO Factory Article (Danish) contributed by IJ Schuitema [2][3][4] Poly was the first school to offer studies in multiple class subjects, which is now modeled by many high schools, as periods. In 1935, its name was changed to John H. Francis Polytechnic to honor the founding principal. Cornell University'a Annual Dragon Day Parade (2000) with Giant Slide Rule 950 - TOP - Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg29- Student With Slide Rule Hoping For Luck On Quiz 500 - 100 - Skip Solberg And Jay Francis and constructed in the Lockeed-Martin Aircraft Assembly Facility Apollo 13 Award - Ben Etkin, Barry French, Phil Sullivan (with Slide Rule).Toronto Canadian Air And Space Museum. Slice Of MIT - "Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules" Video. Joanne Holm Freshie Queen and engineering student, holds slide rule, Class Of 1965 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 33 University Of Manitoba, Canada Starbucks And A Slide Rule (Pickett Demonstration Slide Rule). Mannheim Slide Rule With Architectural Books Gisborne engineered this simple slide rule-like device that USFS foresters could carry with them in the field. (2007) 550 - 400 - Cadet Douglas Jenkins, US Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Class of 1964 (photo by Fred Malmstrom, NMI Civ USAFA/CWCH)

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