foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers

Financial problems that are related to gambling, alcoholism, or drug abuse also are security concerns. Many Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) require some form of security clearance. An official website of the United States Government, Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. The investigation wants to check your paper trail and interview employers, coworkers, neighbors, associates, and acquaintances to make sure you are an upstanding citizen. All I know is that FS has a pretty thorough medical clearance process. Privacy Policy. Submit internal consults or reach out to you for additional data, as needed. extending at an ESCAPE post, the MCU (plus, any individual who has had a new medical condition that may affect their medical clearance at the posting they are currently at or will be posted to. - NAVPERS 1300/16_Rev11-09, Report of Suitability for Overseas Assignment, is required for overseas screening submissions. The Eight-Year Rule. Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) Clearly print the persons name and date of birth on each page submitted to Medical Records. Criminal Conduct. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. Provide explanations in section IIA on page 2 or on a separate sheet of paper. Individuals who currently have a Post Specific (Class 2) medical clearance or have a new significant medical, mental health or educational issue will need to supply supporting documentation of their condition and treatment plan. . Individuals assigned to any of these ESCAPE posts, including TDY travel of 30 or more consecutive days, must meet more rigid standards, and undergo further medical vetting than addressed in this document. Any illegal or unauthorized entry into information technology systems is a security clearance disqualifier. Requests for a 6/8 waiver where neither the employee nor a family member has any special physical or mental health condition that would require the Bureau of Medical Services (MEDs) expertise may be considered by the Committee without MED input. ESCAPE posts have limited medical capabilities and personal security risks. white dog with black eye patch names; southside legend strain certified Obtaining any form of military security clearance demonstrates that the military trusts you with sensitive information even if you need extra clearance for classified information. Is there a list of conditions that would automatically . This will be determined by either a current diagnosis or . a. Please return to Start Here to click on the steps to a medical clearance that best fits your status and overseas assignment. Driving under the influence, alcohol-related fights, child or spouse abuse, or criminal incidents related to alcohol use all get studied. Provide a personal, legible e-mail address good for the next 90 days. Any applicants with immediate family members or a person to whom the individual has close ties of affection or obligation AND is a resident or present in a foreign country might serve as a national security threat. The Department of Defense does study some habits of your sexual behavior. A Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance means you (or your EFM) have (or has) an on-going medical, mental health, or educational issue where the medical capabilities needed may not be available at every post in the world. A medical clearance is valid until your scheduled home leave or end-of-tour whichever is sooner. Foreign Service (FS) or to be eligible for tenure as a career Foreign Service Officer (FSO); 2) When a Class 2 post-specific medical clearance is sought for an assignment by an FSO; or 3) When a Class 2 post-specific medical clearance is sought for a non-career appointment overseas and the individual has exhausted all appeal opportunities Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Repeated or habitual use to excess of intoxicating beverages affecting the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the employees position. Get involved! An MCU can be submitted to your health unit (preferred) or directly submitted to. Medical Clearance related medical expenses not covered by your medical insurance may be reimbursed by receiving a DS-3069 payment authorization form from your human resources and submitting your invoices and Explanation of Benefits to Medical Claims at These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger's, and PTSD. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, Military Dental Requirements and Disqualifications, Confidential Security Clearance Disqualifiers, Top Secret Security Clearance Disqualifiers, Military Security Clearance Disqualifiers, 9. The medical examination performed at the time of separation from the Medical Program serves to identify medical conditions that may have developed during service abroad. Many Health Units do not have a provider, resources, or time to complete a medical clearance. Clearly print the persons name on each page submitted to Medical Records. (Uniform State/USAID/U.S. Misrepresentation, including deception or fraud, in the application process. Employees or eligible family members with a Class 5 medical clearance may not be assigned outside the United States. DOD deployment requirements are generally stricter than DOS medical clearance guidelines. The medical clearance process is designed to identify medical, mental health, or educational issues before departing for an overseas assignment. The individual, parent or guardian should complete the first two pages of each form. Each diagnosis must have a statement clarifying prognosis, stability, follow-up plan, and if that follow-up must be done by a specialist. As a result, stress levels among employees may be very high. Medical exams are done at the State Department during the orientation period. Current or history of intraocular foreign body. Due to political instability, security could be a concern. The primary difference is that the employee, contractor or EFM should list all potential posts directly on their medical clearance forms. Schools are often closed during American summer months, so the process needs to start well before the end of the school year for children with educational issues. Fellows should be aware that these posts are neither few in number nor confined to a specific geographic region. You can begin up to one year prior to departure from your current post. A security clearance is an authorization granted by the United States government that allows individual access to classified information. Consult the Medical Capabilities database and alternatively consult with post directly. The process for completing a Pre-employment or Pre-assignment medical clearance varies by on t employment status and where you are going. You may start one year prior to departing for your next overseas assignment. A top-secret security clearance is the highest level granted to members of the military. List your prescription medications, hospitalizations, and medical conditions since your last clearance. After a Medical Clearance is issued, any required follow-up care for any medical condition is the patients responsibility. MEDICAL REVIEW OF A CLEARANCE DECISION FOR PRE-EMPLOYMENT 22.9 On occasion, a medical clearance may be denied or limited because an applicant has a medical condition that is serious enough to preclude conversion to the Foreign Service. You might not see how your financial history ties into serving the military yet the government considers a track record of not meeting financial obligations as irresponsible and untrustworthy. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Send your completed forms and medical reports: The employee, contractor or EFM will be notified within 30 days of their clearance status. Criminal conduct is pretty straightforward. You can also download a PDF document with this information on the Resources page. The Office of Medical Services (MED) determines approval for assignment to a specific post based on the criteria above. The following information will help explain the pre-employment/pre-assignment process. Overseas Screening. A DS-3057: Medical Clearance Update (MCU) is the preferred method of renewing a medical clearance. Exam Clinic Option: Appointments for separation or retirement examinations are available at Department of State Exam Clinic. Complete a DS-1622: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service for Children Age 11 and Younger form. Pertinent sections of the Department of State Human Resources SOP A-04 state: The Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, 22 U.S.C.3901 et seq., requires all Foreign Service employees to serve a substantial portion of their careers overseas and limits the number of years Foreign Service employees can spend in continuous domestic assignments. The following information is designed to assist as you navigate the MED Post Approval process for those with a Post Specific clearance. The medical clearance process is designed to identify on-going medical, mental health, or special educational issues for which adequate resources may not be available at a specific post. Patients can arrange appointments on personal travel, during R&R, home leave or other government funded travel when services are not available at the post of assignment. The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. The process considers such factors as: failure to repay a U.S. Government guaranteed loan or meet tax obligations; failure to register for the Selective Service; past problems with credit or bankruptcy; unsatisfactory employment records; a criminal record or other violations of the law; drug or alcohol abuse; and less than honorable discharge from the armed forces. 0720060024 and 0720060025 (3/26/09), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a number of important holdings concerning disability discrimination. Candidates who hold dual citizenship, have had extensive travel, education, residence and/or employment overseas, or who have foreign contacts, a foreign-born spouse, immediate family members, or relatives who are not citizens of the United States, should be aware that the clearance process will take longer to complete. Medical clearance determination by Medical Services is based on its thorough review of each fellows medical history and a physical examination, including an individual assessment of his/her specific medical needs and the medical capabilities of Foreign Service posts to meet those needs. The misuse of information technology systems is a fairly new addition to the background investigation with growing technology as well as the advent of social media. Post Approval Process for Foreign Service Officers, Limited Non-Career Assignment, Foreign Service Fellows or their Eligible Family Members with a Post Specific (Class 2) Clearance. For information on how to schedule an appointment with the Exam Clinic, contact. This includes those retiring/separating from the Foreign Service, moving to the private sector, Civil Service or another agency, divorcing from a Foreign Service Spouse and Eligible Family Members turning 21 years of age. Keep in mind that some security clearance disqualifiers are automatic while others can get justified and mitigated. Such information should be provided directly to the Director of Medical Clearances in the Office of Medical Services, not to the CDO. The point of contact in MED is the Director of Medical Clearances, who will relay the request to the appropriate office or person in MED and return a formal recommendation to the CDO or Committee, as appropriate. Trafficking in or abuse of narcotics or controlled substances. Sending forms and reports to the wrong email address results in confusion. People who have no significant health concerns can be posted anywhere in the world and are given a Worldwide Available (Class 1) clearance. If your child has educational needs or receives SNEA, reach out to the school and other specialists working with your child for recent documentation ideally well before school staff departs for the summer break and much of the staff is not at school. Start collecting this information early. - All BOL status submissions must be reported as either "Suitable" or . Reasons for a Separation or Retirement Exam. Denial of Medical Clearance. The majority of people who have no significant health concerns and can be posted anywhere in the world. While a medical clearance is not required for TDY travel of less than 30 days, persons with health concerns should avoid travel to localities where medical care is inadequate to meet their needs even if that travel is only for a few days. Please print your email legibly. Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) The military provides emergency medical support for the Department of State in Afghanistan, Libya, Peshawar, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Medical Clearances must see reports from your specialists regarding the status of your health or educational issues. Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. Keep original documents for your permanent files. Other Medical Information for a Pre-employment or Pre-assignment Medical Clearance. e. Pending (Class 7): Issued to individuals awaiting completion of the evaluation of a medical condition within 90 days. The Department of State, therefore, requires the highest standards of conduct by employees of the Foreign Service, including an especially high degree of integrity, reliability, and prudence.

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