Winning money at blackjack isn’t all about basic strategy and counting cards. Consistently winning big money depends a lot on the betting system you use. Anyone who has played blackjack at a real casino knows that one moment you can be on top of the world in chips but the next you can be digging [...]
Common Blackjack Card Counting Parameters
Card counting in blackjack is an overly exaggerated concept which like all such phenomenon has lot of myths surrounding it. The amount of hard work and effort invested in learning this technique can never be measured by a regular blackjack player who has never tried his hand on card counting in real casino environment. In [...]
New Tax Rules Concerning Gambling Activities
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has historically required that gambling winnings and gambling losses be separately accounted for. The reason for this has to do with the way gambling losses are deducted for tax purposes. Gambling losses are treated as an itemized deduction and reported on Schedule A of the individual income tax return (Form [...]
Biggest Mistakes Betting on Pro Sports

Millions of people place bets on pro sporting events. Overall, just about an equal number win as lose. Which raises the question: is there any way to improve the odds of winning significantly more often than losing? Maybe so, and certainly part of the answer lies in avoiding the biggest mistakes bettors make when placing [...]