This book is over ten years old now and, unfortunately, behind the latest in Scoblete’s craps adventures. His first book, BEAT THE CRAPS OUT OF THE CASINOS, was pretty conventional advice on craps, but then added stories of a someone he calls The Captain who loves playing craps with his friends (his crew). They’re probably [...]
Blackjack Background and Card Counting

Background Blackjack was derived from the French game vingt-et-un or twenty-one which originated in the 1700s. The Blackjack name came about as casinos in the USA, in order to attract players offered odds of up to 10 to 1 to any player who’s hand consisted of an Ace of spades and a blackjack (jack of [...]
Common Blackjack Card Counting Parameters
Card counting in blackjack is an overly exaggerated concept which like all such phenomenon has lot of myths surrounding it. The amount of hard work and effort invested in learning this technique can never be measured by a regular blackjack player who has never tried his hand on card counting in real casino environment. In [...]