So you won some money at gambling, and you want to know if you have to pay the Government, income taxes on your winnings. Well, the short answer to that is yes, but there are some exceptions to the rule. If you had gambling winnings you’re required to report them as other income on IRS [...]
Biggest Mistakes Betting on Pro Sports

Millions of people place bets on pro sporting events. Overall, just about an equal number win as lose. Which raises the question: is there any way to improve the odds of winning significantly more often than losing? Maybe so, and certainly part of the answer lies in avoiding the biggest mistakes bettors make when placing [...]
Sports Betting – Money Management

A bettor must win 52.4 percent of his wagers to break even. Some bettors who win more than 52.4 percent of their bets still end up losing money. Why? The answer is because they do not use proper money management. Money management is just as important as picking winners. Here are some simple (yet sometimes [...]