Roulette Winnings – Handing it the right Way

An important key to successful roulette is the knowledge on how to handle winnings. This has been one of the many culprits that brought down players to financial disaster.

Playing roulette is not all about winning money. Although money plays a great deal of motivation among players, the desire to win more has been the consistent passion of greedy players.

Most players from my experience don’t know when to quit. These players never set limits on the amount they can win or lose every playing day. Winning 10% of your playing capital is good enough.

Playing once a week is another good example of setting limits of playing base on time. And the most players can play is about 3 hours which is substantial in entertaining oneself. I’ve have seen players waste their precious time by hanging at the casino for 5-8 hours 5 days a week. I’m sure anybody who plays 5 hours a day for 5 days in a week is more hooked to the game with no beneficial outcome it may bring.

Playing roulette is part of the entertainment business. Entertainment is temporary and not as an ongoing thing like spending so much time and dreaming of winning big money. Just like watching movies which is also part of the entertainment business, it is unlikely that we watch movies 3 times a day. No way will we progress in life if we allot much time in pursuing playing games of chance.

Taking a cue from the word entertain, players must readily acknowledge that playing roulette is for that purpose only. And making it more what it is intended for defeats its goal as a leisure activity.

After a decade of being a casino dealer, I have observe that the best thing to do with roulette winnings is responsible gaming. As stated earlier putting a limit on both winnings and losses on every casino visit limits further exposure to financial losses. Time element is also a must, the longest players can stay is an hour. Beyond that is extremely volatile for both physical and psychological aspect of a player.

In the event players win it is much better to take a route out early. Quitting while one is ahead of the game will surely benefit steady monetary rewards. Keeping your winnings even after a few deals will make a winner out of you. It’s not a crime to quit early.